RoSEC 2010 winter school
2010. 1. 14. 17:27
RoSEC international summer/winter school
Robotics-Specialized Education Consortium for Graduates sponsored by MKE
로봇 특성화 대학원 사업단 주관
2010 RoSEC International Winter School
2010년 1월 11일(월)부터 1월 16일(토)
한양대학교 HIT(한양종합기술연구원) 6층 제1세미나실(606호)
Robot mechanism
Byung-Ju Yi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로보틱스 연구실 이병주 교수님
- Classification of robotic mechanism and Design consideration of robotic mechanism
- Design Issue and application examples of master slave robotic system
- Trend of robotic mechanism research
Actuator and Practical PID Control
Youngjin Choi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로이드 연구실 최영진 교수님
- Operation Principle of DC/RC/Stepping Motors & Its Practice
- PID Control and Tuning
- Stability of PID Control and Application Examples
Coordination of Robots and Humans
Kazuhiro Kosuge (Tohoku University, Japan)
일본 도호쿠 대학 시스템 로보틱스 연구실 고스게 카즈히로 교수님
- Robotics as systems integration
- Multiple Robots Coordination
- Human Robot Coordination and Interaction
Robot Control
Rolf Johansson (Lund University, Sweden)
스웨덴 룬드 대학 로보틱스 연구실
- Robot motion and force control
- Stability of motion
- Robot obstacle avoidance
Lecture from Industry or Government
(S. -R. Oh, KIST)
Special Talk from Government
(Y. J. Weon, MKE)
Mobile Robot Navigation
Jae-Bok Song (Korea University, Korea)
고려대 지능로봇 연구실 송재복 교수님
- Mapping
- Localization
3D Perception for Robot Vision
In Kyu Park (Inha University, Korea)
인하대 영상미디어 연구실 박인규 교수님
- Camera Model and Calibration
- Shape from Stereo Views
- Shape from Multiple Views
Lecture from Industry or Government
(H. S. Kim, KITECH)
Roboid Studio
Kwang Hyun Park (Kwangwoon University, Korea)
광운대 정보제어공학과 박광현 교수님
- Robot Contents
- Roboid Framework
- Roboid Component
Software Framework for LEGO NXT
Sanghoon Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 연구실 이상훈 교수님
- Development Environments for LEGO NXT
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under RPF of OPRoS
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under Roboid Framework
Lecture from Industry or Government
Robot Intelligence : From Reactive AI to Semantic AI
Il Hong Suh (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 지능/통신 연구실 서일홍 교수님
- Issues in Robot Intelligence
- Behavior Control: From Reactivity to Proactivity
- Use of Semantics for Robot Intelligence
Henrik I. Christensen (Georgia Tech., USA)
- Semantic Mapping
- Physical Interaction with Robots
- Efficient object recognition for robots
Lecture from Industry or Government
(M. S. Kim, Director of CIR, 21C Frontier Program)
Dongsoo Kwon (KAIST, Korea)
- Introduction to human-robot interaction
- Perception technologies of HRI
- Cognitive and emotional interaction
Robot Swarm for Environmental Monitoring
Nak Young Chong (JAIST, Japan)
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Models
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Algorithms
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Implementation
Robotics-Specialized Education Consortium for Graduates sponsored by MKE
로봇 특성화 대학원 사업단 주관
2010 RoSEC International Winter School
2010년 1월 11일(월)부터 1월 16일(토)
한양대학교 HIT(한양종합기술연구원) 6층 제1세미나실(606호)
Robot mechanism
Byung-Ju Yi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로보틱스 연구실 이병주 교수님
- Classification of robotic mechanism and Design consideration of robotic mechanism
- Design Issue and application examples of master slave robotic system
- Trend of robotic mechanism research
Actuator and Practical PID Control
Youngjin Choi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로이드 연구실 최영진 교수님
- Operation Principle of DC/RC/Stepping Motors & Its Practice
- PID Control and Tuning
- Stability of PID Control and Application Examples
Coordination of Robots and Humans
Kazuhiro Kosuge (Tohoku University, Japan)
일본 도호쿠 대학 시스템 로보틱스 연구실 고스게 카즈히로 교수님
- Robotics as systems integration
- Multiple Robots Coordination
- Human Robot Coordination and Interaction
Robot Control
Rolf Johansson (Lund University, Sweden)
스웨덴 룬드 대학 로보틱스 연구실
- Robot motion and force control
- Stability of motion
- Robot obstacle avoidance
Lecture from Industry or Government
(S. -R. Oh, KIST)
Special Talk from Government
(Y. J. Weon, MKE)
Mobile Robot Navigation
Jae-Bok Song (Korea University, Korea)
고려대 지능로봇 연구실 송재복 교수님
- Mapping
- Localization
3D Perception for Robot Vision
In Kyu Park (Inha University, Korea)
인하대 영상미디어 연구실 박인규 교수님
- Camera Model and Calibration
- Shape from Stereo Views
- Shape from Multiple Views
Lecture from Industry or Government
(H. S. Kim, KITECH)
Roboid Studio
Kwang Hyun Park (Kwangwoon University, Korea)
광운대 정보제어공학과 박광현 교수님
- Robot Contents
- Roboid Framework
- Roboid Component
Software Framework for LEGO NXT
Sanghoon Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 연구실 이상훈 교수님
- Development Environments for LEGO NXT
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under RPF of OPRoS
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under Roboid Framework
Lecture from Industry or Government
Robot Intelligence : From Reactive AI to Semantic AI
Il Hong Suh (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 지능/통신 연구실 서일홍 교수님
- Issues in Robot Intelligence
- Behavior Control: From Reactivity to Proactivity
- Use of Semantics for Robot Intelligence
Henrik I. Christensen (Georgia Tech., USA)
- Semantic Mapping
- Physical Interaction with Robots
- Efficient object recognition for robots
Lecture from Industry or Government
(M. S. Kim, Director of CIR, 21C Frontier Program)
Dongsoo Kwon (KAIST, Korea)
- Introduction to human-robot interaction
- Perception technologies of HRI
- Cognitive and emotional interaction
Robot Swarm for Environmental Monitoring
Nak Young Chong (JAIST, Japan)
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Models
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Algorithms
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Implementation