[Shiffman] The Nature of Code - Vectors
my preparation for RB study:
scalar vs. vector
vector http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_%28spatial%29
eg. speed vs. velocity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity
eg. distance (;path) vs. displacement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_%28vector%29
coordinate & origin
Cartesian coordinate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_coordinate_system
(cf. 일반 상대성 이론에서 stress-energy 이론에 의해 코디네이트에 변형이 가해져 물리적 운동과 코디네이트의 일치가 깨지는 현상 소개)
s(displacement) vs. v(velocity) vs. a(acceleration)
unit vector http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_vector
(ref. normalization (wave fn.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalisable_wavefunction
Object Oriented Programming refers to art of breaking down a program into a set of self-contained parts.
Before we can begin to code any simple physics / motion simulation, we need to create a template class to store the data and perform the calculations associated with a vector.
"The term object-oriented design refers to the art of
decomposing an application into some number of objects, self-contained
application components that work together. The goal is to break your
problem down into a number of smaller problems that are simpler and
easier to handle and maintain."
-- Learning Java, Neimeyer, Knudsen
In processing, a class is a "blueprint" or "template" for the creation of an object.
A method is a name for an action. http://codeguru.earthweb.com/java/tij/tij0050.shtml
Method overloading is essential to allow the same method name to be used with different argument types. And although method overloading is a must for constructors, it’s a general convenience and can be used with any method.
instance methods / static methods
An example in the Processing library is an external Java class.
(cp. An internal Java class is a sketch in Processing.)
Access Level to Members of a Class - public, private, protected, or package-private (no explicit modifier)
Kinematics 운동학: 운동의 원인과는 상관없이 물체의 움직임만을 분석
the html version of Newtonian Physics, by Benjamin Crowell
Galileo Galilei
hellomotion http://www.shiffman.net/itp/classes/nature/week02_s06/motion101/hellomotion.pde
boolean (<-Thing에서의 if문) <= "flag"
keyword (/reserved word 예약어) - eg. width, height, PI
constructor (생성자)
NaN = Not a Number (숫자가 아닌 값)
HeadFirst Java
2장 - 객체: constructor(생성자), method(함수), property(변수, 객체)
cf. instance
Head 2 - 클래스와 객체