Computer Vision/2010ETRI-MultiAutoCalib

Test: reprojection error (Quickcam Pro4000)

maetel 2010. 7. 7. 18:05

frame # 129  ---------------------------
# of found lines = 10 vertical, 8 horizontal
vertical lines:
horizontal lines:
p.size = 80
35.6611, -6.40545  33.0973, 24.1258  32.2603, 34.0929  29.1089, 71.6216  26.9599, 97.2142  24.1377, 130.823  21.5627, 161.487  18.0768, 203  86.259, -2.68977  84.6836, 27.3713  84.1602, 37.3582  82.2186, 74.405  80.9047, 99.4752  79.1713, 132.552  77.5933, 162.661  75.4792, 203  108.14, -1.08291  106.889, 28.7684  106.47, 38.7618  104.926, 75.595  103.885, 100.438  102.508, 133.286  101.257, 163.156  99.5866, 203  155.983, 2.43046  155.675, 31.8377  155.57, 41.8509  155.189, 78.2292  154.934, 102.578  154.596, 134.923  154.288, 164.267  153.883, 203  168.044, 3.31615  168.351, 32.6352  168.456, 42.6616  168.836, 78.9444  169.09, 103.171  169.427, 135.389  169.733, 164.591  170.135, 203  202.166, 5.82193  202.773, 34.8009  202.983, 44.8339  203.736, 80.7734  204.236, 104.644  204.904, 136.504  205.508, 165.34  206.297, 203  216.478, 6.8729  217.688, 35.7392  218.109, 45.7855  219.61, 81.6053  220.604, 105.33  221.933, 137.039  223.135, 165.709  224.698, 203  246.815, 9.1007  248.312, 37.6659  248.838, 47.7188  250.7, 83.2347  251.927, 106.643  253.572, 138.033  255.057, 166.378  256.976, 203  274.553, 11.1377  276.632, 39.4477  277.371, 49.514  279.96, 84.7681  281.658, 107.889  283.942, 138.987  286.001, 167.026  288.643, 203  312.163, 13.8996  315.103, 41.8681  316.163, 51.9545  319.831, 86.8577  322.22, 109.589  325.447, 140.292  328.35, 167.913  332.038, 203 

CRimage.size = 80
index matching:    image# 0, 0     to world# 3, 5
index matching:    image# 0, 1     to world# 3, 6
index matching:    image# 0, 2     to world# 3, 7
index matching:    image# 0, 3     to world# 3, 8
index matching:    image# 0, 4     to world# 3, 9
index matching:    image# 0, 5     to world# 3, 10
index matching:    image# 1, 0     to world# 4, 5
index matching:    image# 1, 1     to world# 4, 6
index matching:    image# 1, 2     to world# 4, 7
index matching:    image# 1, 3     to world# 4, 8
index matching:    image# 1, 4     to world# 4, 9
index matching:    image# 1, 5     to world# 4, 10
index matching:    image# 2, 0     to world# 5, 5
index matching:    image# 2, 1     to world# 5, 6
index matching:    image# 2, 2     to world# 5, 7
index matching:    image# 2, 3     to world# 5, 8
index matching:    image# 2, 4     to world# 5, 9
index matching:    image# 2, 5     to world# 5, 10
index matching:    image# 3, 0     to world# 6, 5
index matching:    image# 3, 1     to world# 6, 6
index matching:    image# 3, 2     to world# 6, 7
index matching:    image# 3, 3     to world# 6, 8
index matching:    image# 3, 4     to world# 6, 9
index matching:    image# 3, 5     to world# 6, 10
index matching:    image# 4, 0     to world# 7, 5
index matching:    image# 4, 1     to world# 7, 6
index matching:    image# 4, 2     to world# 7, 7
index matching:    image# 4, 3     to world# 7, 8
index matching:    image# 4, 4     to world# 7, 9
index matching:    image# 4, 5     to world# 7, 10
index matching:    image# 5, 0     to world# 8, 5
index matching:    image# 5, 1     to world# 8, 6
index matching:    image# 5, 2     to world# 8, 7
index matching:    image# 5, 3     to world# 8, 8
index matching:    image# 5, 4     to world# 8, 9
index matching:    image# 5, 5     to world# 8, 10
index matching:    image# 6, 0     to world# 9, 5
index matching:    image# 6, 1     to world# 9, 6
index matching:    image# 6, 2     to world# 9, 7
index matching:    image# 6, 3     to world# 9, 8
index matching:    image# 6, 4     to world# 9, 9
index matching:    image# 6, 5     to world# 9, 10
index matching:    image# 7, 0     to world# 10, 5
index matching:    image# 7, 1     to world# 10, 6
index matching:    image# 7, 2     to world# 10, 7
index matching:    image# 7, 3     to world# 10, 8
index matching:    image# 7, 4     to world# 10, 9
index matching:    image# 7, 5     to world# 10, 10
index matching:    image# 8, 0     to world# 11, 5
index matching:    image# 8, 1     to world# 11, 6
index matching:    image# 8, 2     to world# 11, 7
index matching:    image# 8, 3     to world# 11, 8
index matching:    image# 8, 4     to world# 11, 9
index matching:    image# 8, 5     to world# 11, 10
index matching:    image# 9, 0     to world# 12, 5
index matching:    image# 9, 1     to world# 12, 6
index matching:    image# 9, 2     to world# 12, 7
index matching:    image# 9, 3     to world# 12, 8
index matching:    image# 9, 4     to world# 12, 9
index matching:    image# 9, 5     to world# 12, 10
coordinate matching:    image 35.5294, -6.40545     to world 62.07, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 33.4637, 24.1207     to world 62.07, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 32.4883, 34.7344     to world 62.07, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 29.3473, 71.7697     to world 62.07, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 27.0674, 97.0156     to world 62.07, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 24.235, 130.495     to world 62.07, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 86.259, -2.68977     to world 102.07, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 84.5506, 27.4862     to world 102.07, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 84.0488, 37.9824     to world 102.07, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 82.2594, 74.6152     to world 102.07, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 80.7738, 99.5121     to world 102.07, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 79.3161, 132.494     to world 102.07, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 108.14, -1.08291     to world 119.45, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 106.447, 28.8103     to world 119.45, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 105.952, 39.3494     to world 119.45, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 104.521, 75.7666     to world 119.45, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 103.606, 100.493     to world 119.45, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 102.511, 133.31     to world 119.45, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 155.327, 2.50148     to world 159.45, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 155.143, 32.0653     to world 159.45, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 154.91, 42.5242     to world 159.45, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 154.682, 78.4145     to world 159.45, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 154.596, 102.636     to world 159.45, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 154.507, 134.865     to world 159.45, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.293, 3.464     to world 171.309, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.238, 33.0578     to world 171.309, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.302, 43.3455     to world 171.309, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.333, 79.1385     to world 171.309, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.423, 103.342     to world 171.309, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 169.546, 135.378     to world 171.309, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 202.289, 5.97719     to world 199.965, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 202.842, 35.3023     to world 199.965, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 203.138, 45.4776     to world 199.965, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 203.843, 80.9247     to world 199.965, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 204.481, 104.772     to world 199.965, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 205.419, 136.449     to world 199.965, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 217.636, 7.27727     to world 213.626, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 218.523, 36.3636     to world 213.626, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 218.858, 46.4402     to world 213.626, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 220.052, 81.6308     to world 213.626, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 220.875, 105.426     to world 213.626, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 222.084, 136.772     to world 213.626, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 246.503, 9.52037     to world 239.562, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 247.889, 38.3327     to world 239.562, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 248.441, 48.3851     to world 239.562, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 250.452, 82.8983     to world 239.562, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 251.677, 106.428     to world 239.562, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 253.478, 137.564     to world 239.562, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 274.335, 11.6118     to world 265.097, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 276.296, 40.1247     to world 265.097, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 276.934, 50.0298     to world 265.097, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 279.607, 84.2214     to world 265.097, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 281.52, 107.359     to world 265.097, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 283.694, 138.233     to world 265.097, 293.265, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 312.421, 14.5857     to world 300.95, 147.129, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 314.962, 42.5479     to world 300.95, 182.066, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 316.064, 52.2651     to world 300.95, 193.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 320.518, 85.6258     to world 300.95, 233.937, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 322.22, 109.589     to world 300.95, 259.855, 0.0
coordinate matching:    image 325.447, 138.885     to world 300.95, 293.265, 0.0

camera matrix
fx=301.669 0 cx=149.066
0 fy=237.063 cy=167.683
0 0 1

lens distortion
k1 = 0.0280614
k2 = -0.0278541
p1 = -0.00314248
p2 = 0.00323144

rotation vector
-0.155056  -0.115457  0.0134497

translation vector
-152.854  -325.802  262.059

check reprojection?
reprojection errors
0.769114    0.25348    0.163043    0.217367    0.0561251    0.188387    0.106855    0.103549    0.00969562    0.162657    0.168114    0.0333034    0.609429    0.146523    0.0704871    0.181848    0.0884141    0.106862    0.0507463    0.14039    0.0975367    0.131104    0.0561415    0.086923    0.194587    0.0698258    0.116085    0.080983    0.104469    0.163957    0.221519    0.0241836    0.0841894    0.076401    0.154674    0.239551    0.0717952    0.0691027    0.0618768    0.0627396    0.193959    0.0950587    0.0905574    0.201376    0.209811    0.123518    0.055315    0.0485843    0.0836709    0.204236    0.272494    0.163189    0.1419    0.137937    0.124958    0.370733    0.284505    0.849666    0.627085    0.48934   
error mean = 0.176032     std = 0.107796