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하이테크네: 포스트휴먼 시대의 예술/디자인/테크놀로지
R. L. 러츠키 지음
김상민, 윤원화 외 옮김
시공사 (디자인미술관 총서01), 2004

원서:  High Techne: Art and Technology from the Machine Aesthetic to the Posthuman
R. L. Rutsky
University of Minnesota Press, 1999

R.L. Rutsky
in the Cinema Department at San Francisco State University

posted by maetel
2007. 2. 23. 10:18 Context
  • - Web 2.0을 최초로 명명한 2004년 10월 모임을 주최했던 오라일리 사가 정리한 정의: http://www.oreillynet.com/lpt/a/6228
  • - 이후 2005년부터 추진된 국제 컨퍼런스 사이트: http://www.web2con.com/
  • - 국내 IT 컬럼리스트가 요약한 내용: http://www.dal.co.kr/chair/semanticweb/sw1501.html
    - 그의 저서: http://www.dal.co.kr/chair/semanticweb/sw.html
    (작년에 김중태 씨의 강연을 각기 다른 모임에서 두 번이나 들었었는데, 기술적이고 이론적인 심도는 얕았지만 일상생활과 문화적 맥락에서 재미있게 짚어 주는 내용이었다.)
posted by maetel

my summary:

The Operations 오퍼레이션
= 인터페이스의 상위에서 벌어지고 있는 기술의 단계, 즉 응용소프트웨어 프로그램에 공통된 일반적 기술이나 명령어
= 컴퓨터 데이터를 처리하는 방식이면서 동시에 컴퓨터 시대에 일하고 생각하고 존재하는 방식
: 하드웨어와 소프트웨어로 실현되기 전에 개념으로서 존재

"사회와 소프트웨어 사용과 설계 사이의 의사소통은 양방향으로 진행된다."

- 생산자와 사용자가 중복되는 경우가 급속도로 증가
  eg. 게임 패치

* 선택 Selection - Menus, Filters, Plug-ins
: 메뉴에서의 선택이 순수 창조를 대신
: 전자 미디어와 디지털 미디어에서 예술 창작은 기성의 요소들에서 선택하는 것을 의미한다.
: 뉴미디어는 미리 정의된 수많은 메뉴에서 가치를 선택하는 사회의 정체성 논리를 가장 잘 표현해준다.

* 합성 Compositing
: 합성의 결과는 가상공간이다.
: (합성과 선택 사이의) 상호작용은 뉴미디어 객체가 여러 배율로 모듈식으로 구성되었기에 가능해졌다.
: 요소들은 생산과정 전반에 걸쳐 개별적인 정체성을 유지하기 때문에 쉽게 수정되고 대체되고 삭제된다.
- 모듈성
- 연속성

* 원격행위 Teleaction
<= 원격현전 : 물리적인 현실을 실시간으로 조작할 수 있는 능력을 제공
: 원격현전의 본질은 반존재 anti-presence이다.
- 원격통신: 전자 원격통신 + 컴퓨터 => 신호로 실시간 객체 조종

posted by maetel
2007. 2. 13. 02:13 Method/Cognition
Kristina Niedderer

Design Issues
Winter 2007, Vol. 23, No. 1, Pages 3-17
Posted Online December 11, 2006.

'Method > Cognition' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Semiotics for Beginners] Lectured by Daniel Chandler  (0) 2012.07.12
readibility & legibility  (0) 2007.11.16
posted by maetel
2007. 2. 13. 01:22 Context
wikipedia: Death of the Author
original text link - first English publication @Aspen 5+6

cf. Image, Music, Text (1977), Hill and Wang:New York.
Image-Music-Text (1993, new ed.

English empiricism
French rationalism
the Reformation
De Quincey
Paradis Artificiels
J. P. Vernant

The voice loses its origin, the author enters his own death, writing begins.

Since language is a system. For a code cannot be destroyed, it can only be “played with”.

Linguistics has just furnished the destruction of the Author with a precious analytic instrument by showing that utterance in its entirety is a void process, which requiring to be filled by the person of the interlocutors.

There is no other time than that of the utterance, and every text is eternally written here and now.

A text is a space of many dimensions, in which are wedded and contested various kinds of writing, no one of which is original: the text is a tissue of citations, resulting from the thousand sources of cultures.

If the writer wants to express himself, at least he should know that the internal “thing” he claims to “translate” is itself only a readymade dictionary whose words can be explained (defined) only by other words, and so on ad infinitum.

Literature (it would be better to say writing) liberates an activity which we might call counter-theological, properly revolutionary, for to refuse to arrest meaning is finally to refuse God and his hypostases, reason, science, the law.

The true locus of writing is reading.

A text consists of multiple writings, issuing from several cultures and entering into dialogue with each other, into parody, into contestation; but there is one place where this multiplicity is collected, united, and this place is not the author, but the reader: the reader is the very space in which are inscribed, without any being lost, all the citations a writing consists of; the unity of a text is not in its origin, it is in its destination.

The birth of the reader must be ransomed by the death of the Author.

posted by maetel
2007. 2. 13. 00:45 Context
TP: What is Digital Cinema?

posted by maetel
2007. 2. 12. 21:50 Context
Who is the Author? Sampling / Remixing / Open Source

Lev Manovich

New media culture brings with it a number of new models of authorship which all involve different forms of collaboration. Of course, collaborative authorship is not unique to new media: think of medieval cathedrals, traditional painting studios which consisted from a master and assistants, music orchestras, or contemporary film productions which, like medieval cathedrals, involve thousands of people collaborating over a substantial period of time. In fact, in we think about this historically, we will see collaborative authorship represents a norm rather than exception. In contrast, romantic model of a solitary single author occupies a very small place in the history of human culture. New media, however, offers some new variations on the previous forms of collaborative authorship. In this essay I will look at some of these variations. I will try to consider them not in isolation but in a larger context of contemporary cultural economies. As we will see, new media industries and cultures systematically pioneer new types of authorship, new relationships between producers and consumers, and new distribution models, thus acting as a the avant-garde of the culture industry.

1. Collaboration of Different Individuals and/or Groups

The most often discussed new type of authorship associated with new media is collaboration (over the network or in person, in real time or not) between a group of artists to create a new media work / performance / event / “project.” Often, no tangible objects or an even definite event like a performance ever comes out from these collaborations, but this does not matter. People meet people with common interests and start a “project” or a series of “projects.”  We can think of this as a “social culture”; we may also note that while the new media culture may not have produced any “masterpieces”, it definitely had a huge impact on how people and organizations communicate. Along with database, navigable space, simulation and interactivity, new cultural forms enabled by new media also include new patterns of social communication. In short, the network-enabled process of collaboration, networking, and exchange is a valuable form of contemporary culture, regardless of whether it results in any  “objects” or not.

2.  Interactivity as Miscommunication Between the Author and the User

In the first part of the 1990s when interactivity was a new term, it was often claimed that an interactive artwork involves collaboration between an author and a user. Is this true? The notion of collaboration assumes some shared understanding and the common goals between the collaborators, but in the case of interactive media these are often absent. After an author designs the work, s/he has no idea about the assumptions and intentions of a particular user. Such a user, therefore, can’t be really called a collaborator of the author. From the other side, a user coming to a new media artwork often also does not know anything about this work, what is supposed to do, what its interface is, etc. For this user, therefore, an author is not really a collaborator. Instead of collaborators, the author and the user are often two total strangers, two aliens which do not share a common communication code.
    While interactivity in new media art often leads to” miscommunication” between the author and the user, commercial culture employs interactive feedback to assure that no miscommunication will take place. It is common for film producers to test a finished edit of a new film before a  “focus group.” The responses of the viewers are then used to re–edit the film to improve comprehension of the narrative or to change the ending. In this practice, rather than presenting the users with multiple versions of the narrative, a single version that is considered the most successful is selected.  

3. Authorship as Selection From a Menu

I discuss this type of authorship in detail in The Language of New Media;  here I just want to note that it applies to both professional designers and the users. The design process in new media involves selection from various menus of software packages, databases of media assets, etc. Similarly, a user is often made to feel like a “real artist” by allowing her/him to quickly create a professional looking work by selecting from a few menus. The examples of such “authorship by selection” are the Web sites that allow the users to quickly construct a postcard or even a short movie by selecting from a menu of images, clips and sounds.
    Three decades ago Roland Barthes elegantly defined a cultural text as “a tissue of quotations”:  “We know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single ‘theological’ meaning (the ‘message’ of the Author-God) but a multi-dimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from innumerable centres of culture.” In software-driven production environment, these quotations come not only from the creators’ memories of what they previously saw, read, and heard, but also directly from the databases of media assets, as well as numerous other words that in the case of the World Wide Web are just a click away.

4. Collaboration Between a Company and the Users

When it released the original Doom (1993), id software also released detailed descriptions of game files formats and a game editor, thus encouraging the players to expand the game, creating new levels. Adding to the game became its essential part, with new levels widely available on the Internet for anybody to download. Since Doom, such practices became commonplace in computer game industry. Often, the company would include elements designed by the users in a new release.
    With another widely popular game Sims (2001), this type of collaboration reached a new stage. The Web site for the game allows users to upload the characters, the settings, and the narratives they constructed into the common library, as well as download characters, settings, and narratives constructed by others.  Soon it turned out that the majority of users do not even play the game but rather use its software to create their own characters and storyboard their adventures. In contrast to earlier examples of such practice – for instance the 1980s Star Track fans editing their own video tapes by sampling from various Star Track episodes or writing short stories involving main Star Track characters – now it came into the central place, being legitimized and encouraged by game producers.
Another way in which a company can be said to collaborate with the users of its software is by incorporating their suggestions about new features into the new version of the software. This is common practice of many software companies.

5.  Collaboration Between the Author and Software
Authoring using Al or AI is the most obvious case of human-software collaboration. The author sets up some general rules but s/he has no control over the concrete details of the work – these emerge as a result of the interactions of the rules. More generally, we can say that all authorship that uses electronic and computer tools is a collaboration between the author and these tools that make possible certain creative operations and certain ways of thinking while discouraging others. Of course humans have designed these tools, so it would be more precise to say that the author who uses electronic/ software tools engages in a dialog with the software designers (see #4).

 6. Remixing

Remixing originally had a precise and a narrow meaning that gradually became diffused. Although precedents of remixing can be found earlier, it was the introduction of multi-track mixers that made remixing a standard practice. With each element of a song – vocals, drums, etc. – available for separate manipulation, it became possible to “re-mix” the song: change the volume of some tracks or substitute new tracks for the old ounces. Gradually the term became more and more broad, today referring to any reworking of an original musical work(s).
    In his DJ Culture Ulf Poscardt singles out different stages in the evolution of remixing practice. In 1972 DJ Tom Moulton mixed his first disco remixes; as Poscard points out, they “show a very chaste treatment of the original song. Moulton sought above all a different weighting of the various soundtracks, and worked the rhythmic elements of the disco songs even more clearly and powerfully…Moulton used the various elements of the sixteen or twenty-four track master tapes and remixed them.” By 1987, “DJs started to ask other DJs for remixes” and the treatment of the original material became much more aggressive. For example, “Coldcut used the vocals from Ofra Hanza’s ‘Im Nin Alu’ and contrasted Rakim’s ultra-deep bass voice with her provocatively feminine voice. To this were added techno sounds and a house-inspired remix of a rhythm section that loosened the heavy, sliding beat of the rap piece, making it sound lighter and brighter.” In another example, London DJ Tim Simenon produced a remix of his personal top ten of 1987. Simenon: “We found a common denominator between the songs we wanted to use, and settled on the speed of 114 beats per minute. The tracks of the individual songs were adapted to this beat either by speeding them up or slowing them down.”
    In the last few years people started to apply the term “remix” to other media: visual productions, software, literary texts. With electronic music and software serving as the two key reservoirs of new metaphors for the rest of culture today, this expansion of the term is inevitable; one can only wonder why it did no happen earlier. Yet we are left with an interesting paradox: while in the realm of commercial music remixing is officially accepted, in other cultural areas it is seen as violating the copyright and therefore as stealing. So while filmmakers, visual artists, photographers, architects and Web designers routinely remix already existing works, this is not openly admitted, and no proper terms equivalent to remixing in music exist to describe these practices.
The term that we do have is “appropriation.” However, this never left its original art world context where it was first applied to the works of post-modern artists of the early 1980s based on re-working older photographic images. Consequently, it never achieved the same wide use as “remixing.” Anyway, “Remixing” is a better term because it suggests a systematic re-working of a source, the meaning which “appropriation” does not have. And indeed, the original “appropriation artists” such as Richard Prince simply copied the existing image as a whole rather than re-mixing it. As in the case of Duchamp’s famous urinal, the aesthetic effect here is the result of a transfer of a cultural sign from one sphere to another, rather than any modification of a sign.
The only other commonly used term across media is “quoting” but I see it as describing a very different logic than remixing. If remixing implies systematically rearranging the whole text, quoting means inserting some fragments from old text(s) into the new one. Thus it is more similar to another new fundamental authorship practice that, like remixing, was made possible by electronic technology – sampling. 

7.  Sampling: New Collage?

According to Ulf Poscardt,  “The DJ’s domination of the world started around 1987.” This take-over is closely related to the new freedom in the use of mixing and sampling. That year M/A/R/S released their record “Pump Up the Volume”; as Poscardt points out, “This record, cobbled together from a crazy selection of samples, fundamentally changed the pop world. As if from nowhere, the avant-garde sound collage, unusual for the musical taste of the time, made it to the top of the charts and became the year’s highest-selling 12-inch single in Britain.”
    Theorizing immediately after M/A/R/S, Coldcut, Bomn The Bass and S-Xpress made full use of sampling, music critic Andrew Goodwin defined sampling as “the uninhibited use of digital sound recording as a central element of composition. Sampling thus becomes an aesthetic programme.” We can say that with sampling technology, the practices of montage and collage that were always central to twentieth century culture, became industrialized. Yet we should be careful in applying the old terms to new technologically driven cultural practices. While the terms “montage” and “collage” regularly pop up in the writings of music theorists from Poscardt to Kodwo Eshun and DJ Spooky, I think these terms that come to us from literary and visual modernism of the early twentieth century do not adequately describe new electronic music. To note just three differences: musical samples are often arranged in loops; the nature of sound allows musicians to mix pre-existent sounds in a variety of ways, from clearly differentiating and contrasting individual samples (thus following the traditional modernist aesthetics of montage/collage), to mixing them into an organic and coherent whole; finally, the electronic musicians often conceive their works beforehand as something that will be remixed, sampled, taken apart and modified. Poscardt: “house (like all other kinds of club music) has relinquished the unity of the song and its inviolability. Of course the creator of a house song thinks at first in terms of his single track, but he also thinks of it in the context of a club evening, into which his track can be inserted at a particular point.”
Last but not least, It is relevant to note here that the revolution in electronic pop music that took place in the second part of the 1980s was paralleled by similar developments in pop visual culture of the same period. The introduction of electronic editing equipment such as switcher, keyer, paintbox, and image store made remixing and sampling a common practice in video production towards the end of the decade; first pioneered in music videos, it later took over the whole visual culture of TV. Other software tools such as Photoshop (1989) had the same effect on the fields of graphic design, commercial illustration and photography. And, a few years later, World Wide Web redefined an electronic document as a mix of other documents. Remix culture has arrived.

8. Open Source Model

Open Source model is just one among a number of different models of authorship (and ownership) which emerged in software community and which can be applied (or are already being applied) to cultural authorship. The examples of such models are the original project Xanadu by Ted Nelson, “freeware,” and “shareware.”  In the case of Open Source, the key idea is that one person (or group) writes software code, which can be then modified by another user; the result can be subsequently modified by a new user, and so on.
If we apply this model to a cultural sphere, do we get any new model of authorship? It seems to me that the models of remixing, sampling and appropriation conceptually are much richer than the Open Source idea. There are, however, two aspects of Open Source movement that make it interesting. One is the idea of license. There are approximately 30 different types of licenses in Open Source movement. The licenses specify the rights and responsibilities of a person modifying the code. For instance, one license (called Gnu Public License) specifies that the programmer have to provide the copy of the new code to the community; another stipulates that the programmer can sell the new code and he does not have to share with the community, but he can’t do things to damage the community.
Another idea is that of the kernel. At the “heart” of Lunix operating system is its kernel - the code essential to the functioning of the system. While users add and modify different parts of Lunix system, they are careful not to change the kernel in fundamental ways. Thus all dialects of Lunix share the common core.
I think that the ideas of license and of kernel can be directly applied to cultural authorship. Currently appropriation, sampling, remixing and quoting are controlled by a set of heterogeneous and often outdated legal rules. These rules tell people what they are not allowed to do with the creative works of others. Imagine now a situation where an author releases her/his work into the world accompanied by a license that will tell others both what they should not do with this work and also what they can do with it (i.e. the ways in which it can be modified and re-used) Similarly we may imagine a community formed around some creative work; this community would agree on what constitutes the kernel of this work. Just as in the case of Lunix, it would be assumed that while the work can be played with and endlessly modified, the users should not modify the kernel in dramatic ways.
Indeed, if music, films, books and visual art are our cultural software, why not apply the ideas from software development to cultural authorship? In fact, I believe that we can already find many communities and individual works that employ the ideas of license and kernel, even though these terms are not explicitly used. One example is Jon Ippolito’s Variable Media Initiative. Ippolito proposed that an artist who accepts variability in how her/his work will be exhibited and/or re-created in the future (which is almost inevitable in the case of net art and other software-based work) should specify what constitutes the legitimate exhibition/recreation; in short, s/he should provide the equivalent of the software license.
Among the cultural projects inspired by Open Source Movement, OPUS project (2002) stands out from the rest in how it tackles with the question of authorship in computer culture. Importantly, OPUS, created by Raqs Media Collective (New Delhi), is both a software package and an accompanying “theoretical package.”  Thus the theoretical ideas about authorship articulated by Raqs collective do not remain theory but are implemented in software available for everybody to use. In short, this is “software theory” at its best: theoretical ideas translated into a new kind of cultural software.
OPUS software designed to enable possible multi-user cultural collaboration in a digital network environment. In OPUS (which stands for “Open Platform for Unlimited Signification), anybody can start a new project and invite other people to download and upload media objects to the project’s area on OPUS site (it is also possible to download OPUS software itself and put it on new servers). When the author uploads a new media object (anything from a text to a piece of music), s/he can specify what modifications by others will be allowed. Subsequently, OPUS software keeps track of every new modification to this object.

Each media objects archived, exhibited and made available for transformation within OPUS carries with it data that can identify all whose who worked on it. This means that while OPUS enables collaboration, it also preserves the identity of authors/creators (no matter how big or small their contribution may be) at each stage of a work’s evolution.

The Raqs Collective introduces a new term “rescension” to address this type of colloborative authorship. In my view, “rescension” presents a sophisticated comprise between the two extreme ideologies of digital authorship commonly envoked and used today: on the one hand, completely open model that lets everybody modify anything; on the other hand, tight control of all permissible uses of a cultural object by traditional copyright practices.
Importantly, as distribution of culture, from texts to music to videos, is increasingly tmoving online, economically dominant ideas about authorship and copyright in our society will be implemented in actual software that will control who can access, copy and modify the cultural objects, and at what price. For instance, while MPEG-1 through MPEG-7 media formats focused on “compression and the coordination of different media tracks, the recent proposal for MPEG-21 focuses on digital rights management. The authors of the proposal imagine a future “multimedia framework” where “all people on Earth take part in a network involving content providers, value adders, packages, service providers, consumers, and resellers.”  Like XML,  MPEG-21 consists from a number of separate components, those very names reveal its aim to manage all the difficult issues of content creation and distribution in digital network environment through technological solutions: “Intellectual property Management and Protection,” “Rights Data Dictionary,” “Rights Expression Language.” OPUS anticipates this kind of future by providing an intellectually sofisticated alternative paradigm of cultural authorship and access implemented in software. 

9. Brand as the Author

Who are the people behind Nike? Prada? Sony? Gap? Consumer brands do not make visible design teams, engineers, stylists, writers, programmers, and other creative indivdiuals who make their individual products and product lines. Competing in already crowded semantic space, the company wants the consumers to remember one thing only: the brand name. To bring in the names of individuals involved in creating brand products  - which are numerous and which continuosly change - would dissolve brand identity. Note that a company does not try to hide these names - you can find them if you want - but they are just not part of brand publicity. Unless, of course, the name involved itself represents another brand, like Rem Koolhaus or Bruce Mau. Koolhaus and Mau are brands because they function exactly like all other brands: they have big teams working on diffirent projects but the names of individual contributors are not made visible. A museum hires Rem Koolhaus to have a building by Rem Koolhaus - not because it wants to skills of a particular media designer, lighting designer, or an architect working for Koolhaus. The same goes for most well-known musicians, artists, and architects. In contrast to “corporate brands,”  these are "individual brands."
     When we think of these individual brands we not supposed to also think of all the people involved in their creations. We can see here the romantic ideology with its emphasis on a solitary genius still at work. In a certain sense, corporate brands are more "progressive" in that they dont't hide (although they dont foreground it either) the fact that everything they sell is created by collectives of individuals. And while in the last decade a number of artists’ collectives have presented themselves as corporate brands, in most case their mascarades still followed the conventiosn of artworld rather than of commercial brand environment. For instance, when jodi.org burst into the emerging net art scene with their Web site a number of years ago, the fact that for the first couple of years we only knew the project by the name of its rule URL but not the artist’s names was part of the attraction. However, eventually the names of the creators, Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans, became public. And Etoy,  the most systematic among artists’ collectives simulating as brands, still has not been completely consistent in following the rules of corporate authorship. Etoy presents itself as a company which consists from a small number of etoy agents which go by their first names: etoy.zak, etoy.zai, and so on. Thus it foregrounds all the inividuals involved in brand managemnet, even though they go by semi-fictional names.
My aim here is not to critic jodi or etoy but rather to point that high culture and consumer culture follow very diffirent models of authorship, which makes it hard even for smartest artists to completely simulate the corporate model. Still, artist-as-ananomous-brand phenomenon that already existed before Internet became much more common on the Web, with many artists, designers and design groups choosing to focus visibility on the name of their site rather than their individual names: from jodi and etoy to future farmers, unclickable.com, uncontrol.com, and many many others.


The commonality of menu selection / remixing / sampling / synthesis / “open sourcing”  in contemporary culture calls for a whole new critical vocabulary to adequately describe these operations, their multiple variations and combinations. One way to develop such a vocabulary is to begin correlate the terms that already exist but are limited to particular media. Electronic music theory brings to the table analysis of mixing, sampling, and synthesis; academic literary theory can also make a contribution, with its theorizations of intertext, paratext, and hyperlinking; the scholars of visual culture can contribute their understanding of montage, collage and appropriation. Having a critical vocabulary that can be applied across media will help us to finally accept these operations as legitimate cases of authorship, rather than exceptions. To quote Poscardt one last time, “however much quoting, sampling and stealing is done – in the end it is the old subjects that undertake their own modernization. Even an examination of technology and the conditions of productions does not rescue aesthetics from finally having to believe in the author. He just looks different.”

 Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2001).
 Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, translated by Stephen Heath (New York: Hill and Wang, 1977), 146.
 Ulf Poschardt, DJ Culture, trans. Shaun Whiteside (London: Quartet Books Ltd, 1998), 123.
 Ibid, 271.
 Ibid., 273.
 Fro instance, Web users are invited to remix Madonna songs at http://madonna.acidplanet.com/default.asp?subsection=madonna.
 Ibid., 261.
 Ibid., 261-262.
 Ibid., 280.
 To use the term of Barthes’s quote above, we can say that if modernist collage always involved a “clash” of element, electronic and software collage also allows for “blend.”
 Ibid., 252.
 Cindy Shirky, presentation during Human Generosity Project Summit, Banff Center for the Arts, September 2001.
 Some modification of Lunix kernel becomes necessary when Lunix is adapted for embedded systems which usually have less memory and less processing power than desktop PCs. See http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS6362696390.html.
 Lunix community will condemd any modifications that will  change the kernel in fundamental ways. See  http://slashdot.org/articles/99/02/27/076204.shtml.
 Ippolito is a new media artist and a Associate Curator of Media Arts at the Guggenheim Museum. For more information on Variable Media Initiative, see www.guggenheim.org.
 See http://www.opuscommons.net/main.php.
 See  HYPERLINK "http://www.opuscommons.net/templates/doc/manual_left.htm" http://www.opuscommons.net/templates/doc/manual_left.htm.
 See http://mpeg.selt.it/.
 For definitions of these terms introduced by Gerard Genette, see http://www.ht01.org/presentations/Session4b/dalgaard_HT01/
 Poschardt, DJ Culture, 284.

posted by maetel
Lev Manovich

The Language of New Media
The MIT Press, 2001

뉴 미디어의 언어
서정신 옮김
생각의 나무, 2004

뉴미디어의 언어 상세보기
레프 마노비치 지음 | 생각의나무 펴냄
뉴미디어의 영상미학에 대한 상세하고 포괄적인 최초의 분석서. 뉴미디어 미학의 근원을 회화, 사진, 영화 그리고 텔레비전에서 찾아내면서 디지털 이미징, 인간-컴퓨터 인터페이스(HCI), 하이퍼미디어, 컴퓨터게임, 합성, 애니메이션, 그리고 가상세계를 살펴보는 책이다. 책의 각 부분은 복합적이지만 접근 가능한 입구를 만들어 우리가 뉴미디어 형식의 역사 안으로 들어가게 해주고, 그러한 형식이 그 자체로만 고립되지 않고

8쪽 - 한국어판 저자 서문
뉴미디어의 언어, 보다 정확히 말하자면 여러 개의 별개 언어들은 네트워크에 연결된 디지털 컴퓨터라는, 전세계적 정보사회의 새로운 기계가 가져온 보다 새로운 기술만이 아니라 영화, 연극, 활자도서 등 이미 잘 자리잡은 문화형식의 기술과 기억, 전문성을 통합하고 있는 일종의 혼합종이기 마련이다.

원천자료의 개방
1990년대 사이버 예언가들의 미래주의
문화적 상위구조
산업적 근대주의
아방가르드 예술가, 미래파

타불라 라사 Tabula Rasa 백지상태
이데올로기의 해이 현상

로버트 벤츄리, 스코트 브라운, 이제 나우와 공저 <라스베가스의 교훈 Learning From Las Vegas> 1972

세계화된 국제성

정보미학(즉, 과거 산업사회의 문화와는 구별되는 정보사회의 새로운 문화)는 이미, 아니면 앞으로 산업적 근대주의와는 판이한 논리를 갖고 있거나 갖게 되리라 예상한다. 이러한 논리는 다양한 조합을 통해, 과거의 것과 새로운 것을 창조적으로 병치하려는 욕구이다. 본서는 이러한 혼합성의 미학이 추진시키고 있는 현대문화의 한 단면, 즉 네트워크로 연결된 디지털 컴퓨터와 이미 자리를 잡고 있는 문화 형식이 교차되는 단면을 체계적으로 검토하는 것이다.

재혼합 remix
현대문화는 세 개의 핵심적 과정, 즉 세 가지 종류의 재혼합에서 바라볼 수 있다.
첫번째 재혼합은 포스트모더니즘으로, 주어진 미디어 안이나 문화 형식(음악, 건축, 패션 등) 안에 과거 문화의 내용과 형식을 재혼합하는 것이다.
두번째 재혼합은 세계화로, 한 나라의 문화 전통, 특성, 그리고 감수성을 그 안에서 뿐만이 아니라, 새로운 세계화된 국제성의 스타일과 상호작용하도록 섞어내는 것이다.
세번째 재혼합은 문화와 컴퓨터의 재혼합이다. 다양한 문화 형식의 인터페이스와 새로운 소프트웨어 기술의 재혼합이다. 이 문화 논리가 새로운 이유는 과거를 지워버리려 했던 근대주의적 새로움 때문이 아니라 그와 반대로 진행되고 있는 재혼합 과정의 광범위함, 속도, 연관된 요소들 자체의 새로움 때문이다.

12쪽 - 역자 서문

디지털 영화란 무엇인가 What is Digital Cinema?

텔레폴리스  telepolis

마노비치 <작은 영화 Little Movies>
:실험적 디지털 시네마 작품

이화여대 한국문화연구원

디지털이라는 새로운 미디어는 몰입을 유도하는 영화적 인터페이스와 함께 데이터베이스의 하이퍼텍스트적 구조를 갖고 있는 새로운 문화의 내용을 만들어냈다. 또 그 문화의 내용은 사용자가 쉽게 조작할 수 있는 유연한 구조를 가지고 있다.

14쪽 - 추천서 '뉴미디어 영상미학에 대한 최초의 분석서'
마크 트라이브 Mark Tribe (Rhizome.org 창시자)

예술은 항상 기술과 연관되어 왔고, 예술가는 새로운 기술이 나타나면 그것을 최초로 수용하는 사람이었다. 우리는 새로운 기술이 어떤 일을 할 수 있는지를 보고, 그 기술이 기술자들이 의도했던 영역을 넘어서도록 하고, 기술이 의미하는 바가 무엇인지를 이해하며, 그 기술의 효과를 되새겨 보고, 또 그 기슬이 그것의 한계를 넘어서도록 밀고 나가며, 그 기술에 익숙해지기 위해 만지작거린다. (중략)
인터넷은 협동 작업, 민주적 배포, 그리고 참여적 경험 등의 새 유형을 가능하게 해주는 잠재력이 특히 잘 여물어 있다.


마노비치 <ON TOTALITARIAN INTERACTIVITY 전체주의적인 상호작용성에 대하여>

마노비치 <프로이트 리시츠키 내비게이터 Freud-Lissitzky Nabigator>

넷 아트

본서는 뉴미디어를 영상문화의 역사 안에 집어넣고, 뉴미디어와 그 이전 형식 사이의 연관성과 차이점을 구체화시키고 있다.

digital imaging
computer game
가상 세계

그리피스 <국가의 탄생>: 영화

posted by maetel
The Language of New Media
Lev Manovich
The MIT Press, 2001

뉴 미디어의 언어
서정신 옮김
생각의 나무, 2004년

사용자 삽입 이미지

In this book Lev Manovich offers the first systematic and rigorous theory of new media. He places new media within the histories of visual and media cultures of the last few centuries. He discusses new media's reliance on conventions of old media, such as the rectangular frame and mobile camera, and shows how new media works create the illusion of reality, address the viewer, and represent space. He also analyzes categories and forms unique to new media, such as interface and database.

Manovich uses concepts from film theory, art history, literary theory, and computer science and also develops new theoretical constructs, such as cultural interface, spatial montage, and cinegratography. The theory and history of cinema play a particularly important role in the book. Among other topics, Manovich discusses parallels between the histories of cinema and of new media, digital cinema, screen and montage in cinema and in new media, and historical ties between avant-garde film and new media.

Lev Manovich is Professor of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego. His book The Language of New Media (MIT Press, 2001) has been hailed as "the most suggestive and broad ranging media history since Marshall McLuhan."

posted by maetel
2006. 10. 2. 01:33 Context
Fernand Leger

영화 형식
비서사형식의 체계

사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지

posted by maetel