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2010. 7. 4. 17:25 Computation/Algorithm
posted by maetel
2009. 2. 14. 00:09 Computation/Algorithm
posted by maetel
2008. 7. 22. 18:10 Computation/Algorithm

Ian T. Young
Jan J. Gerbrands
Lucas J. van Vliet

Delft University of Technology


Fundamentals of Image Processing (Delft University of Technology)

posted by maetel
2008. 7. 8. 20:29 Computation/Algorithm
posted by maetel
2008. 7. 6. 02:06 Computation/Algorithm
Natural Computing Series

Series Editors: Rozenberg, G., Bäck, Th., Eiben, A.E., Kok, J.N., Spaink, H.P.
ISSN: 1619-7127


posted by maetel
2008. 5. 21. 09:46 Computation/Algorithm
국제통신컨퍼런스99: A Multi-Resolution Video Scheme for Multimedia Information Servers in Mobile Computing Environment

A nonlinear interpolation scheme for still color image resolution enhancement introduced. It is based on the use of a Self-Creating and Organizing Neural Network, which extracts feature of local pixel distribution and presents optimal interpolation coefficient. Interpolation order is restricted to one and proposed algorithm is compared to one linear and two nonlinear first order interpolation algorithms. Experimental results indicated that proposed algorithm produce better quantitative results than other techniques.

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Gonzalez & Woods] Digital Image Processing  (0) 2008.07.08
Natural Computing Series  (0) 2008.07.06
sorting algorithms  (0) 2008.03.24
fractal flame  (0) 2007.12.29
steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
posted by maetel
2008. 3. 24. 19:52 Computation/Algorithm

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

Natural Computing Series  (0) 2008.07.06
(ref) A Multi-Resolution Video Scheme for Multimedia Information Servers in Mobile Computing Environment  (0) 2008.05.21
fractal flame  (0) 2007.12.29
steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
posted by maetel
2007. 12. 29. 01:07 Computation/Algorithm
Fractal flames are a member of the iterated function system class of fractals created by Scott Draves in 1992.


The Fractal Flame Algorithm


Fractal Software Programs & Links on Paul N. Lee's website

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

(ref) A Multi-Resolution Video Scheme for Multimedia Information Servers in Mobile Computing Environment  (0) 2008.05.21
sorting algorithms  (0) 2008.03.24
steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
posted by maetel
2007. 6. 25. 15:29 Computation/Algorithm
"Steering behaviors" are largely independent of the particulars of the character's means of locomotion.

(1)maximum speed and (2)maximum steering force
(3)a method to compute a steering vector towards a given target location


Steering Vector = “Desired Vector” minus “Velocity”

where “desired vector” is defined as the vector pointing from the object’s location directly towards the target

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

sorting algorithms  (0) 2008.03.24
fractal flame  (0) 2007.12.29
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
Pseudo-random  (0) 2007.04.27
posted by maetel
2007. 6. 21. 16:19 Computation/Algorithm
Boids, developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986, is an artificial life program, simulating the flocking behaviour of birds.

As with most artificial life simulations, Boids is an example of emergent behaviour; that is, the complexity of Boids arises from the interaction of individual agents (the boids, in this case) adhering to a set of simple rules.

The movement of Boids can either be characterized as chaotic (splitting groups and wild behaviour) or orderly. Unexpected behaviours, such as splitting flocks and reuniting after avoiding obstacles, can be considered emergent.

The boids framework is often used in computer graphics, providing realistic-looking representations of flocks of birds and other creatures, such as schools of fish or herds of animals.

Boids work in a manner similar to cellular automata, since each boid "acts" autonomously and references a neighbourhood, as do cellular automata.

Craig W. Reynolds called the generic simulated flocking creatures boids. The basic flocking model consists of three simple steering behaviors which describe how an individual boid maneuvers based on the positions and velocities its nearby flockmates.

Conrad Parker  http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/boids/
    Boids Pseudocode, the boids algorithm explained with the use of pseudocode



	PROCEDURE move_all_boids_to_new_positions()

Vector v1, v2, v3
Boid b

v1 = rule1(b)
v2 = rule2(b)
v3 = rule3(b)

b.velocity = b.velocity + v1 + v2 + v3
b.position = b.position + b.velocity


'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

fractal flame  (0) 2007.12.29
steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
Pseudo-random  (0) 2007.04.27
noise  (0) 2007.04.21
posted by maetel
2007. 4. 30. 17:52 Computation/Algorithm
The term “particle system” was coined in 1983 by William T. Reeves as he worked to create the “Genesis” effect at the end of the movie, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.


“A particle system is a collection of many many minute particles that together represent a fuzzy object. Over a period of time, particles are generated into a system, move and change from within the system, and die from the system.”

Willian T. Reeves <Particle Systems—a Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects>

Siggraph: Particle Systems
Evans & Sutherland @http://www.es.com


Karl Sims <Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation>

Karl Sims home page
wikipedia: Karl Sims


Alain Fournier (University of Toronto) & Don Fussell (The University of Texas at Austin) & Loren Carpenter (Lucasfilm) <Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models>


wikipedia: Particle_system
Lucasfilm Ltd. @http://www.lucasfilm.com
GenArts @http://www.genarts.com

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Pseudo-random  (0) 2007.04.27
noise  (0) 2007.04.21
Perlin Noise  (0) 2007.04.21
posted by maetel
2007. 4. 27. 20:50 Computation/Algorithm


'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
noise  (0) 2007.04.21
Perlin Noise  (0) 2007.04.21
posted by maetel
2007. 4. 21. 18:43 Computation/Algorithm

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
Pseudo-random  (0) 2007.04.27
Perlin Noise  (0) 2007.04.21
posted by maetel
2007. 4. 21. 18:01 Computation/Algorithm
Improved Noise
-> Java ref.

the algorithm Ken Perlin described in the SIGGRAPH 2002 paper

Making Noise Ken Perlin talk on noise.
wikipedia: Perlin noise

Perlin Noise code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

float bias(float a, float b)
return pow(a, log(b) / log(0.5));

float gain(float a, float b)
float p = log(1. - b) / log(0.5);

if (a < .001)
return 0.;
else if (a > .999)
return 1.;
if (a < 0.5)
return pow(2 * a, p) / 2;
return 1. - pow(2 * (1. - a), p) / 2;

float noise1(float arg);
float noise2(float vec[]);
float noise3(float vec[]);

float noise(float vec[], int len)
switch (len) {
case 0:
return 0.;
case 1:
return noise1(vec[0]);
case 2:
return noise2(vec);
return noise3(vec);

float turbulence(float *v, float freq)
float t, vec[3];

for (t = 0. ; freq >= 1. ; freq /= 2) {
vec[0] = freq * v[0];
vec[1] = freq * v[1];
vec[2] = freq * v[2];
t += fabs(noise3(vec)) / freq;
return t;

/* noise functions over 1, 2, and 3 dimensions */

#define B 0x100
#define BM 0xff

#define N 0x1000
#define NP 12 /* 2^N */
#define NM 0xfff

static p[B + B + 2];
static float g3[B + B + 2][3];
static float g2[B + B + 2][2];
static float g1[B + B + 2];
static start = 1;

static void init(void);

#define s_curve(t) ( t * t * (3. - 2. * t) )

#define lerp(t, a, b) ( a + t * (b - a) )

#define setup(i,b0,b1,r0,r1)\
t = vec[i] + N;\
b0 = ((int)t) & BM;\
b1 = (b0+1) & BM;\
r0 = t - (int)t;\
r1 = r0 - 1.;

float noise1(float arg)
int bx0, bx1;
float rx0, rx1, sx, t, u, v, vec[1];

vec[0] = arg;
if (start) {
start = 0;

setup(0, bx0,bx1, rx0,rx1);

sx = s_curve(rx0);

u = rx0 * g1[ p[ bx0 ] ];
v = rx1 * g1[ p[ bx1 ] ];

return lerp(sx, u, v);

float noise2(float vec[2])
int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, b00, b10, b01, b11;
float rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, *q, sx, sy, a, b, t, u, v;
register i, j;

if (start) {
start = 0;

setup(0, bx0,bx1, rx0,rx1);
setup(1, by0,by1, ry0,ry1);

i = p[ bx0 ];
j = p[ bx1 ];

b00 = p[ i + by0 ];
b10 = p[ j + by0 ];
b01 = p[ i + by1 ];
b11 = p[ j + by1 ];

sx = s_curve(rx0);
sy = s_curve(ry0);

#define at2(rx,ry) ( rx * q[0] + ry * q[1] )

q = g2[ b00 ] ; u = at2(rx0,ry0);
q = g2[ b10 ] ; v = at2(rx1,ry0);
a = lerp(sx, u, v);

q = g2[ b01 ] ; u = at2(rx0,ry1);
q = g2[ b11 ] ; v = at2(rx1,ry1);
b = lerp(sx, u, v);

return lerp(sy, a, b);

float noise3(float vec[3])
int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, bz0, bz1, b00, b10, b01, b11;
float rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, rz0, rz1, *q, sy, sz, a, b, c, d, t, u, v;
register i, j;

if (start) {
start = 0;

setup(0, bx0,bx1, rx0,rx1);
setup(1, by0,by1, ry0,ry1);
setup(2, bz0,bz1, rz0,rz1);

i = p[ bx0 ];
j = p[ bx1 ];

b00 = p[ i + by0 ];
b10 = p[ j + by0 ];
b01 = p[ i + by1 ];
b11 = p[ j + by1 ];

t = s_curve(rx0);
sy = s_curve(ry0);
sz = s_curve(rz0);

#define at3(rx,ry,rz) ( rx * q[0] + ry * q[1] + rz * q[2] )

q = g3[ b00 + bz0 ] ; u = at3(rx0,ry0,rz0);
q = g3[ b10 + bz0 ] ; v = at3(rx1,ry0,rz0);
a = lerp(t, u, v);

q = g3[ b01 + bz0 ] ; u = at3(rx0,ry1,rz0);
q = g3[ b11 + bz0 ] ; v = at3(rx1,ry1,rz0);
b = lerp(t, u, v);

c = lerp(sy, a, b);

q = g3[ b00 + bz1 ] ; u = at3(rx0,ry0,rz1);
q = g3[ b10 + bz1 ] ; v = at3(rx1,ry0,rz1);
a = lerp(t, u, v);

q = g3[ b01 + bz1 ] ; u = at3(rx0,ry1,rz1);
q = g3[ b11 + bz1 ] ; v = at3(rx1,ry1,rz1);
b = lerp(t, u, v);

d = lerp(sy, a, b);

return lerp(sz, c, d);

static void normalize2(float v[2])
float s;

s = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]);
v[0] = v[0] / s;
v[1] = v[1] / s;

static void normalize3(float v[3])
float s;

s = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);
v[0] = v[0] / s;
v[1] = v[1] / s;
v[2] = v[2] / s;

static void init(void)
int i, j, k;

for (i = 0 ; i < B ; i++) {
p[i] = i;

g1[i] = (float)((random() % (B + B)) - B) / B;

for (j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
g2[i][j] = (float)((random() % (B + B)) - B) / B;

for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
g3[i][j] = (float)((random() % (B + B)) - B) / B;

while (--i) {
k = p[i];
p[i] = p[j = random() % B];
p[j] = k;

for (i = 0 ; i < B + 2 ; i++) {
p[B + i] = p[i];
g1[B + i] = g1[i];
for (j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
g2[B + i][j] = g2[i][j];
for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
g3[B + i][j] = g3[i][j];

Ken Perlin

'Computation > Algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글

steering vector  (0) 2007.06.25
Boids  (0) 2007.06.21
Particle System  (0) 2007.04.30
Pseudo-random  (0) 2007.04.27
noise  (0) 2007.04.21
posted by maetel