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'Literacy/stephenWilson [information arts]'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2012.02.23 C. P. Snow "The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution"
  2. 2010.03.29 Stephen Wilson [Information Arts]
"The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution"
Charles Percy Snow
Cambridge U Press, 1964


G. Rickey Welch, Professor & Joseph N. Tatarewicz, Associate Professor and Director, Human Context of Science & Technology Program, UMBC - C.P. Snow's The Two Cultures: A Fifty Year Perspective

'Literacy > stephenWilson [information arts]' 카테고리의 다른 글

Stephen Wilson [Information Arts]  (0) 2010.03.29
posted by maetel
information arts: intersections of art, science, and technology
stephen wilson
The MIT Press



(microbiology, genetics, animal and plant behavior, the body, brain & body processes, body imaging, and medicine)

Physical Sciences
(particle physics, atomic energy, geology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, space science, and GPS technology)

Mathematics and Algorithms
(algorists, fractals, genetic art, artificial life)

(conceptual electronics, sound installation, and robotics)

(telephone, radio, telepresence, web art)

Digital Systems
(interactive media, VR, alternative sensors - touch, motion, gaze, personal characteristics, activated objects, haptics, artificial intelligence, 3-D sound, speech, scientific visualization, surveillance, information systems)





Roger F. Malina (Chairman, Leonardo/ISAST) :  Perhaps in our lifetime we will see the emergence of "new Leonardos", creative individuals or teams who will not only develop a meaningful art for our times but also drive new agendas in science and stimulate technological innovation that addresses today's human needs.

Joel Slayton:  ... Although art and science share many characteristics, a special role for the arts exists in the evolution and deployment of technology -- the implication being that by operating outside the conventions of traditional practice, unique and significant research enterprises can and will unfold. Information Arts helps us understand on a deeper level that experimental research is culturally necessary and serves to transform how to simulate, interact with, and experience the world.

posted by maetel