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2013. 4. 24. 16:01 Footmarks

Profile of speaker: Mr. Ishida is Philosopher, Deputy University Librarian, former Dean and Professor (chair of Information Semiotics and Communication Sciences) at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. Graduate of the University of Tokyo he is holder of Docteur en sciences humaines de l’Université Paris X Nanterre. The list of his publications includes the books Contemporary Philosophy (2011), Digital Turn of knowledge(2006), Media and Everyday Life (2003), the collection Discourses Analysis (Ed. 2001-2002, 6 volumes), the integral translation in Japanese of Michel Foucault’s Dits et Ecrits (Ed. 1999-2002, 10 volumes). Articles by Mr. Ishida are published in several academic journals and reviews:“The Perspective as a factor of the Modernity”(1998), “Nation et narration, le role de la littéature dans la formation de l’espace discursif moderne”(2002) , “Comment penser ensemble la modrenité?: de la désorientation moderne “(2002), “TV and Everyday Life”(2003), “What is the Ecology of Meaning?”(2004), etc. 

Abstract: The “Critical Plateau” is a digital humanities project currently being pursued under the direction of Prof. Hidetaka Ishida. Its aim is to create a “plateau” in the IT environment for “new critiques” of knowledge, thought and art, with a particular focus on visual and aural “media texts”. In this presentation, I provide an overview of the “Critical Plateau” project that we are currently pursuing in response to the “Digital Turn”, a digital shift of humanities. The three cognitive technologies are being used for the purpose of generating a new form of critical knowledge. The component modules are stratified in such a way as to make them mutually reinforcing. The aim is to create a new form of media analysis and pursue humanistic knowledge in an IT environment. A collaborative system for knowledge generation has been created through the combination of archival studies of audio-visual media, the application of video analysis tools, and the formation of a conceptual network. From its foundations in television semiotics and information semiotics, the “Critical Plateau” opens up the possibility for the structuring of knowledge derived from media analysis.

미디어 철학과 기술철학의 세계적 석학인 일본 동경대의 이시다 교수를 모시고 다음과 같은 제목으로 제4회 마스터클래스를 개최할 예정이오니 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

강연자: 이시다 히데타카 (ISHIDA Hidetaka, 石田 英敬) 

소속: 도쿄대학 정보이론 학제간 연구과정 교수 (Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies) 

Specialty: Humanistic social Informatics Research 

Topics : Information Semiotics 

강연 제목: CRITICAL PLATEAU: A Platform for Analysis of Media Texts and Audiovisual Images 

시간: 4월 25일 (목) 오후 6시-7시30분 

장소: 고려대학교 4.18 기념관 지하2층 소극장 

주최·주관 : 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 (www.cacs.or.kr) 

후원: 한국연구재단, 고려대학교 

문의: cacsadmin@korea.ac.kr 

참가비: 무료

posted by maetel