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2010. 9. 27. 01:47 Computer Vision
OpenCV: cvFindChessboardCorners or cv::findChessboardCorners

source code: https://code.ros.org/trac/opencv/browser/tags/2.1/opencv/src/cv/cvcalibinit.cpp

Learning OpenCV: Chapter 11 Camera Models and Calibration

V.Vezhnevets, A.Velizhev (Graphics and Media Lab, CMC department, Moscow State University) "GML C++ Camera Calibration Toolbox", 2005


IplImage* cvGetImage(const CvArr* arr, IplImage* imageHeader)

source file: //opencv/src/cv/cvcheckchessboard.cpp

Dilate or cv::dilate

Flood-fill algorithm

quad_count = icvGenerateQuads( &quads, &corners, storage, thresh_img, flags );

CvMemStorage* cvCreateChildMemStorage(CvMemStorage* parent)



"cvcalibinit.cpp": cvFindChessboardCorners()'s routine

1. gray-scale input image (option: CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE | CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE ) -> save "imgGray"

2. binarize the gray-scaled image

adative thresholding (option: CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH) or thresholding by "image mean-10" or "10"

3. dilate the binarized image -> save "imgThresh"

4. find rectangles to draw white lines around the image edge -> save "imgRect"


1. check if a chessboard is in the input image


1) erode and dilate ( cvErode() & cvDilate() )

2) find a threshold value to make contours ( "flag" )
3) select contours to make quadrangles
4) check if there are many hypotheses with similar sizes ( floodfill

-style algorithm )


2. (if pattern was no found using binarization) multi-level quads


3. draw white lines around the image edges ( "thresh_image" )

4. compute corners in clockwise order

5. find the quadrangle's neighbors

6. find connected quadrangles to order them and the corners

7. remove extra quadrangles to make a nice square pattern

8. check if each row and column of the chessboard is monotonous

9. refine corner locations

1. check if a chessboard is in the input image

1) erode and dilate ( cvErode() & cvDilate() )
2) find a threshold value to make contours ( "flag" )
3) select contours to make quadrangles
4) check if there are many hypotheses with similar sizes ( floodfill-style algorithm )
2. (if pattern was no found using binarization) multi-level quads extraction
3. draw white lines around the image edges ( "thresh_image" )
4. compute corners in clockwise order
5. find the quadrangle's neighbors
6. find connected quadrangles to order them and the corners
7. remove extra quadrangles to make a nice square pattern
8. check if each row and column of the chessboard is monotonous
9. refine corner locations



posted by maetel