2008. 4. 16. 15:11
@GSMC/서용덕: DMD Programming
PGM image file format
= Portable Gray Map
Jef Poskanzer @ ttp://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pgm.html
libnetpbm, C subroutine library
Libnetpbm Directory (the reference information for a particular function)
webopedia: A punctuation character or group of characters that separates two names or two pieces of data, or marks the beginning or end of a programming construct. Delimiters are used in almost every computer application. For example, in specifying DOS pathnames, the backslash (\) is the delimiter that separates directories and filenames. Other common delimiters include the comma (,), semicolon (;), quotes ("), and braces ({}).
empas: 구분 문자: 임의의 기호로 이루어지는 열을 구성 요소로 구분 짓기 위한 문자. 일반적으로 구성 요소는 영문자나 정수와 같이 뜻을 갖는 경우가 많으며, 구분 문자는 동일 또는 다른 뜻을 갖는 구성 요소의 배열로부터 각각의 구성 요소를 분리하는 데 쓰인다. 포트란의 COMMON문에서 예를 들면, COMMON/ CB₁/A,B(10), C/CB₂/M, N에서는 기호 ‘/’, ‘,’가 구분 문자이다.
webopedia: Filling in unused space
empas: 채우기: 고정된 길이의 블록 또는 레코드의 사용하지 않는 기억 장소를 특정 정보, 즉 공백 등의 문자로 채우는 기법.
LF = Line Feed
Often abbreviated LF, a line feed is a code that moves the cursor on a display screen down one line. In the ASCII character set, a line feed has a decimal value of 10.
On printers, a line feed advances the paper one line. Some printers have a button labeled LF that executes a line feed when pressed. (Note, however, that the printer must be in off-line mode to execute a line feed.)
The rectangular area of a display screen actually being used to display images. The raster is slightly smaller than the physical dimensions of the display screen. Also, the raster varies for different resolutions. For example, VGA resolution of 640x480 on a 15-inch monitor produces one raster, whereas SVGA resolution of 1,024x768 produces a slightly different raster. Most monitors are autosizing, meaning that they automatically use the optimal raster depending on the monitor's size and the video adapter's resolution. In addition, most monitors have controls that allow you move the raster, resize it, and even to rotate it.
webopedia: The science of color
FILE* fopen()
파일을 여는 함수
FILE* fclose()
파일을 닫는 함수
int fscanf()
포맷에 따라 읽는 함수
int fprintf()
포맷에 따라 쓰는 함수
char* fgets()
'\n'을 기준으로 스트링을 읽어 들이는 함수
int fputs()
스트링을 출력하는 함수
size_t fread()
블럭 단위로 읽어 들이는 함수
size_t fwrite()
블럭 단위로 파일에 쓰는 함수
Unsigned integral type
size_t corresponds to the integral data type returned by the language operator sizeof and is defined in the <cstddef> header file (among others) as an unsigned integral type.
It expresses a size or count in bytes.
= Portable Gray Map
Jef Poskanzer @ ttp://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pgm.html
The portable graymap file format (PGM) provides very basic functionality and serve as a least-common-denominator for converting pixmap, graymap, or bitmap files between different platforms.
Webopedia: Graphics File Formats Reference
Portable Greymap (.pgm)
Files are created by Jef Poskanzer's PBMPlus Portable Bitmap Utilities. The portable graymap format is a lowest common denominator grayscale file format.
libnetpbm, C subroutine library
Libnetpbm Directory (the reference information for a particular function)
webopedia: A punctuation character or group of characters that separates two names or two pieces of data, or marks the beginning or end of a programming construct. Delimiters are used in almost every computer application. For example, in specifying DOS pathnames, the backslash (\) is the delimiter that separates directories and filenames. Other common delimiters include the comma (,), semicolon (;), quotes ("), and braces ({}).
empas: 구분 문자: 임의의 기호로 이루어지는 열을 구성 요소로 구분 짓기 위한 문자. 일반적으로 구성 요소는 영문자나 정수와 같이 뜻을 갖는 경우가 많으며, 구분 문자는 동일 또는 다른 뜻을 갖는 구성 요소의 배열로부터 각각의 구성 요소를 분리하는 데 쓰인다. 포트란의 COMMON문에서 예를 들면, COMMON/ CB₁/A,B(10), C/CB₂/M, N에서는 기호 ‘/’, ‘,’가 구분 문자이다.
webopedia: Filling in unused space
empas: 채우기: 고정된 길이의 블록 또는 레코드의 사용하지 않는 기억 장소를 특정 정보, 즉 공백 등의 문자로 채우는 기법.
Refers to all characters that appear as blanks on a display screen or printer. This includes the space character, the tab character, and sometimes other special characters that do not have a visual form (for example, the bell character and null character).
whitespace is any single character or series of characters that represents horizontal or vertical space in typography.
LF = Line Feed
Often abbreviated LF, a line feed is a code that moves the cursor on a display screen down one line. In the ASCII character set, a line feed has a decimal value of 10.
On printers, a line feed advances the paper one line. Some printers have a button labeled LF that executes a line feed when pressed. (Note, however, that the printer must be in off-line mode to execute a line feed.)
The rectangular area of a display screen actually being used to display images. The raster is slightly smaller than the physical dimensions of the display screen. Also, the raster varies for different resolutions. For example, VGA resolution of 640x480 on a 15-inch monitor produces one raster, whereas SVGA resolution of 1,024x768 produces a slightly different raster. Most monitors are autosizing, meaning that they automatically use the optimal raster depending on the monitor's size and the video adapter's resolution. In addition, most monitors have controls that allow you move the raster, resize it, and even to rotate it.
webopedia: The science of color
FILE* fopen()
파일을 여는 함수
FILE* fclose()
파일을 닫는 함수
int fscanf()
포맷에 따라 읽는 함수
int fprintf()
포맷에 따라 쓰는 함수
char* fgets()
'\n'을 기준으로 스트링을 읽어 들이는 함수
int fputs()
스트링을 출력하는 함수
size_t fread()
블럭 단위로 읽어 들이는 함수
size_t fwrite()
블럭 단위로 파일에 쓰는 함수
Unsigned integral type
size_t corresponds to the integral data type returned by the language operator sizeof and is defined in the <cstddef> header file (among others) as an unsigned integral type.
It expresses a size or count in bytes.
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