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2012. 7. 12. 00:35 Method/Cognition

Semiotics for Beginners 

by Daniel Chandler

The Media and Communications Studies Site

at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

강의록: http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/semiotic.html (대박!)

posted by maetel
2007. 11. 16. 16:20 Method/Cognition

Readability and legibility are often confused. Readability is most often and more properly used to describe the ease with which written language is read and understood – it concerns the difficulty of the language itself, not its appearance. Factors that affect readability include sentence and word length, and the frequency of uncommon words.

In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read. It is not connected with content or language, but rather with the size and appearance of the printed or displayed text.

wikipedia: typography
posted by maetel
2007. 2. 13. 02:13 Method/Cognition
Kristina Niedderer

Design Issues
Winter 2007, Vol. 23, No. 1, Pages 3-17
Posted Online December 11, 2006.

'Method > Cognition' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Semiotics for Beginners] Lectured by Daniel Chandler  (0) 2012.07.12
readibility & legibility  (0) 2007.11.16
posted by maetel