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2010. 12. 9. 22:25 Computer Vision
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of State Space and Linear System (pdf)
Donald M. Wiberg 
McGraw-Hill, 1971 
로욜로 도서관: 2관 4층 515.35 W632s


"The state space approach is more general than the "classical" Laplace and Fourier transform theory. Consequently, state space theory is applicable to all systems that can be analyzed by integral transforms in time, and is applicable to many systems for which transform theory breaks down"

(1) Linear systems with time-varying parameters can be analyzed in essentially the same manner as time-invariant linear systems.
(2) Problems formulated by state space methods can easily be programmed on a computer.
(3) High-order linear systems can be analyzed.
(4) Multiple input - multiple output systems can be treated almost as easily as single input - single output linear systems.
(5) State space theory is the foundation for further studies such areas as nonlinear systems, stochastic systems, and optimal control.

"Because state space theory describes the time behaviors of physical systems in a mathematical manner, the reader is assumed to have some knowledge of differential equations and of Laplace transform theory."

posted by maetel