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'neural networks'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.12.14 Jordan & Bishop "Neural Networks"
2010. 12. 14. 20:02 Computer Vision
Michael I. Jordan & Christopher M. Bishop, "Neural Networks", In Tucker, A. B. (Ed.) CRC Handbook of Computer Science, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1997.
download: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/papers/crc.ps

1. Introduction

Neural network methods have had their greatest impact in problems where statistical issues dominate and where data are easily obtained.

"conjunction of graphical algorithms and probability theory":
A neural network is first and foremost a graph with patterns represented in terms of numerical values attached to the nodes of the graph and transformations between patterns achieved via simple message-passing algorithms. Many neural network architectures, however, are also statistical processors, characterized by making particular probabilistic assumptions about data.

Based on a source of training data, the aim is to produce a statistical model of the process from which the data are generated so as to allow the best predictions to be made for new data.

statistical modeling - density estimation (unsupervised learning), classification & regression

density estimation ("unsupervised learning")
: to model the unconditional distribution of data described by some vector
- to train samples and a network model to build a representation of the probability density 
- to label regions for a new input vector
classification & regression ("supervised learning")
: to distinguish between input variables and target variables
- to assign each input vector to one of classes and target variables to class labels 
-> estimation of conditional densities from the joint input-target space

2. Representation

2.1 Density estimation

To form an explicit model of the input density

Gaussian mixture distribution

2.2 Linear regression and linear discriminants

posted by maetel