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2012. 7. 11. 15:58

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2011. 6. 9. 20:36 Literacy
The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain
Robert L. Solso
The MIT Press, 2003
google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=z_cQJgAACAAJ

APS(Association for Psychological Science): Robert L. Solso (1933-2005)  

- To develop connections between cognitive psychology and the related fields of anthropology, computer science, education, linguistics, neuroscience, and philosophy

Stephen E. Palmer http://psychology.berkeley.edu/faculty/profiles/spalmer.html
Visual Perception and Aesthetics Lab @UCB http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~plab/


[Cognition and the Visual Arts] The MIT Press, 1994 - google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=zaQCKizo0_8C


“Art and cognition, and the brain, and consciousness, and evolution have all stood as complex mirrors, all reflecting and amplifying each other.”

In searching for a rational connection between consciousness and art, it was necessary to examine the evolution of the human brain and cognition. Out of these scientific explorations, I have developed a new model describing the evolution of consciousness and its relationship to the emergence of art.

conscious AWAREness

We have a pretty good idea, for example, as to when and how the human brain evolved and when early art emerged, and we have a sound understanding of the workings of the sensory-cognitive system. With this knowledge in hand, it is propitious to consider the evolution of the human brain and the emergence of AWAREness, as they might be related to art. As the brain increased in size and capacity during the upper Pleistocene, additional components of consciousness were added or developed. People became more AWARE in the sense that they were more cognizant, not only of a world that existed in contemporaneous actuality, but of a world that could be imaged. That change took humankind on a wondrous voyage. Men and women could imagine nonpresent things such as what might be behind a bush, where fresh water might be found, and what a nonpresent bull might look like. While other animals had some forms of consciousness, the visionary aptitude of humans to extend consciousness beyond responding to moment-to- moment sensory experiences was spinning into new possibilities previously unseen on this earth. Equipped with expanded conscious AWAREness, people first created art and then technology. The beginning of art is a clear manifestation of the brain’s capacity for imaginative behavior.

All factors—brain, anthropology, cog- nition, and art—were tied together by human consciousness.

Introduction: Art . . . a Tutorial

posted by maetel
2008. 1. 16. 17:33 Context

Marshall Mcluhan's philosophy of communication in the postmodern age of globalization

Marshall Mcluhan's philosophy of communication in the postmodern age of globalization
Hwa Yol Jung 저
pp. 49~77(29pages)

UCI URL : http://uci.or.kr/G300-bX489435.v11n34p49

1. Prologue
2. Communication as a Civilizational Topic
3. Communication as a Tactile Topic
4. Globality and Intercultural Dialogue
5. Epilogue REFERENCES      
    한국어 초록     
    이 논문에서 나는 세계화, 즉 이 세계를 '세계촌'으로 상정하는 맥락에서 맥루한의 커뮤니케이션 철학을 '제1 철학'으로 기술, 평가하려 한다. 그는 공식적인 '세계주의자'이다. 지금까지 맥루한은 미디어 테크놀로지의 패러다임 변환으로 단단하게 엮어진 역사철학자로 간주되었을 따름이다. 여기에서 패러다임 변환이란, 글을 읽기 전의 시대(구전)에서 글을 읽는 문자시대(원고/활자), 그리고 전자시대(후기 문자시대)로의 변환을 의미한다. 더욱이 맥루한의 철학에서 커뮤니케이션의 감각기관과 매체유형은 상호 연관되어 잇다. 그에게 시각과 근대성의 관계가 촉각과 포스트모더니티의 관계와 같은 것이다. 후자를 통해 전자를 알 수 있는 것이다. 세계화의 과정을 상호문화적 대화로 탐구하면서, 그의 커뮤니케이션 철학은 횡단적 보편성(transversality)을 통해 합류를 가능하게 하는 문화적 경계를 지날 수 있다.
posted by maetel
posted by maetel