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2009. 4. 24. 14:37 Footmarks
2009-04-24 쇠 @연세대 과학관 232호: vip

GPU = Graphic Processing Unit

CUDA = Compute Unified Device Architecture


한국 CUDA 사용자 그룹  http://cafe.daum.net/KCUG

High-performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computer clusters to solve advanced computation problems.

PTX = Parallel Thread Execution
: an intermediary assembler language between high level code and that which is sent to the GPU (in Nvidia's CUDA programming model)

OpenCL = Open Computing Language
a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.
OpenCL includes a language (based on C99) for writing kernels (functions that execute on OpenCL devices), plus APIs that are used to define and then control the heterogeneous platform. OpenCL provides parallel programming using both task-based and data-based parallelism.


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posted by maetel