CvMat* state = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); //states to be estimated
CvMat* state_p = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); //states to be predicted
CvMat* velocity = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); //motion controls to change states
CvMat* measurement = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); //measurement of states
CvMat* cov = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); //covariance to be updated
CvMat* cov_p = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); //covariance to be predicted
CvMat* gain = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); //Kalman gain to be updated
// temporary matrices to be used for estimation
CvMat* Kalman = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); //
CvMat* invKalman = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); //
CvMat* I = cvCreateMat(2,2,CV_64FC1);
cvSetIdentity(I); // does not seem to be working properly
// cvSetIdentity (I, cvRealScalar (1));
// check matrix
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
for(int j=0; j<2; j++)
cout << cvmGet(I, i, j) << "\t";
cout << endl;
// set the initial state
cvmSet(state, 0, 0, 0.0); //x-value //set state(0,0) to 0.0
cvmSet(state, 1, 0, 0.0); //y-value //set state(1,0) to 0.0
// set the initital covariance of state
cvmSet(cov, 0, 0, 0.5); //set cov(0,0) to 0.5
cvmSet(cov, 0, 1, 0.0); //set cov(0,1) to 0.0
cvmSet(cov, 1, 0, 0.0); //set cov(1,0) to 0.0
cvmSet(cov, 1, 0, 0.4); //set cov(1,1) to 0.4
// set the initial control
cvmSet(velocity, 0, 0, 10.0); //x-direction //set velocity(0,0) to 1.0
cvmSet(velocity, 1, 0, 10.0); //y-direction //set velocity(0,0) to 1.0
for (int t=0; t<step; t++)
// retain the current state
CvMat* state_out = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); // temporary vector
cvmSet(state_out, 0, 0, cvmGet(state,0,0));
cvmSet(state_out, 1, 0, cvmGet(state,1,0));
// predict
cvAdd(state, velocity, state_p); // state + velocity -> state_p
cvAdd(cov, transition_noise, cov_p); // cov + transition_noise -> cov_p
// measure
cvmSet(measurement, 0, 0, measurement_set[t]); //x-value
cvmSet(measurement, 1, 0, measurement_set[step+t]); //y-value
// estimate Kalman gain
cvAdd(cov_p, measurement_noise, Kalman); // cov_p + measure_noise -> Kalman
cvInvert(Kalman, invKalman); // inv(Kalman) -> invKalman
cvMatMul(cov_p, invKalman, gain); // cov_p * invKalman -> gain
// update the state
CvMat* err = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); // temporary vector
cvSub(measurement, state_p, err); // measurement - state_p -> err
CvMat* adjust = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1); // temporary vector
cvMatMul(gain, err, adjust); // gain*err -> adjust
cvAdd(state_p, adjust, state); // state_p + adjust -> state
// update the covariance of states
CvMat* cov_up = cvCreateMat(2, 2, CV_64FC1); // temporary matrix
cvSub(I, gain, cov_up); // I - gain -> cov_up
cvMatMul(cov_up, cov_p, cov); // cov_up *cov_p -> cov
// update the control
cvSub(state, state_out, velocity); // state - state_p -> velocity
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 43–54, 2001.
Abstract - This paper describes a visual tool for teleoperative experimentation involving remote manipulation and contact tasks. Using modest hardware, it recovers in real-time the pose of moving polyhedral objects, and presents a synthetic view of the scene to the teleoperator using any chosen viewpoint and viewing direction. The method of line tracking introduced by Harris is extended to multiple calibrated cameras, and afforced by robust methods and iterative ltering. Experiments are reported which determine the static and dynamic performance of the vision system, and its use in teleoperation is illustrated in two experiments, a peg in hole manipulation task and an impact control task.
Line tracking
The line-tracking step refers to the tracking of target returns from individual targets, over time, in the range-Doppler space produced by the cross-correlation processing. A standard Kalman filter is typically used. Most false alarms are rejected during this stage of the processing.
- Three difficulties using the Harris tracker
First it was found to be easily broken by occlusions and changing
lighting. Robust methods to mitigate this problem have been
investigated monocularly by Armstrong and Zisserman [20], [21].
Although this has a marked effect on tracking performance, the second
problem found is that the accuracy of the pose recovered in a single
camera was poor, with evident correlation between depth and rotation
about axes parallel to the image plane. Maitland and Harris [22] had
already noted as much when recovering the pose of a pointing device
destined for neurosurgical application [23].
They reported much improved accuracy using two cameras; but the object
was stationary, had an elaborate pattern drawn on it and was visible at
all times to both cameras. The third difficulty, or rather uncertainty,
was that the convergence properties and dynamic performances of the
monocular and multicamera methods were largely unreported.
"Harris' RAPiD tracker included a constant velocity Kalman filter."
RAPID (Real-time Attitude and Position Determination) is a real-time model-based tracking algorithm for a known three dimensional object executing arbitrary motion, and viewed by a single video-camera. The 3D object model consists of selected control points on high contrast edges, which can be surface markings, folds or profile edges.
The use of either an alpha-beta tracker or a Kalman filter permits
large object motion to be tracked and produces more stable tracking
results. The RAPID tracker runs at video-rate on a standard
minicomputer equipped with an image capture board.
This paper appears in: Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA '09. IEEE International Conference on
Publication Date: 12-17 May 2009
On page(s): 375-380
ISSN: 1050-4729
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2788-8
INSPEC Accession Number: 10748966
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152290
Current Version Published: 2009-07-06
parallel implementation of monoSLAM with a 3D object tracker
information to register objects to the map's frame
the recovered geometry
I. Introduction
approaches to handling movement in the environment
segmentation between static and moving features
outlying moving points
1) active search -> sparse maps
2) robust methods -> multifocal tensors
3-1) tracking known 3D objects in the scene
-2) determining whether they are moving
-3) using their convex hulls to mask out features
"Knowledge that they are occluded rather than unreliable avoids the need to invoke the somewhat cumbersome process of feature deletion, followed later perhaps by unnecessary reinitialization."
[15] H. Zhou and S. Sakane, “Localizing objects during robot SLAM in semi-dynamic environments,” in Proc of the 2008 IEEE/ASME Int Conf on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2008, pp. 595–601.
"[15] noted that movement is likely to associated with objects in the scene, and classified them according to the likelihood that they would move."
the use of 3D objects for reasoning about motion segmentation and occlusion
"(RAPiD makes the assumption that the pose change required between current and new estimates is sufficiently small, first, to allow a linearization of the solution and, second, to make trivial the problem of inter-image correspondence.) The correspondences used are between predicted point to measured image edge, allowing search in 1D rather than 2D within the image. This makes very sparing use of image data — typically only several hundred pixels per image are addressed."
(1)First it was found to be easily broken by occlusions and changing
lighting. Robust methods to mitigate this problem have been
investigated monocularly by Armstrong and Zisserman.
(2)Although this has a marked effect on tracking performance, the second
problem found is that the accuracy of the pose recovered in a single
camera was poor, with evident correlation between depth and rotation
about axes parallel to the image plane. Maitland and Harris had
already noted as much when recovering the pose of a pointing device
destined for neurosurgical application. They reported much improved accuracy using two cameras; but the object
was stationary, had an elaborate pattern drawn on it and was visible at
all times to both cameras. (3)The third difficulty, or rather uncertainty,
was that the convergence properties and dynamic performances of the
monocular and multicamera methods were largely unreported.
(3) : little solution
(2) => [21] "recovered pose using 3 iterations of the pose update cycle per image"
(1) => [21], [22] : search -> matching -> weighting
[22] M. Armstrong and A. Zisserman, “Robust object tracking,” in Proc 2nd Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 1995, vol. I. Springer, 1996, pp. 58–62.
[23] M. Fischler and R. Bolles, “Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 381–395, June 1981.
Least median of squares as the underlying standard deviation is unknown
[24] P. J. Rousseeuw, “Least median of squares regression,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 79, no. 388, pp. 871–880, 1984.
III. MonoSLAM with Tracked Objects A. Information from SLAM to the object tracker
B. Information from the object tracker to SLAM
"The convex hull is uniformly dilated by an amount that corresponds to the projection of the typical change in pose."
맥미니에서의 설치를 끝내고 (test log on mac) 테스트해 보면 성능이 좋지 않아 그대로 쓸 수는 없는 상태이다.
0. Video Input
The software requires a video camera with a wide-angle
lens, capable of 640x480x30Hz video capture and an appropriate driver
installation (which is supported by libCVD.)
1. Camera Parameters
CameraCalibrator를 실행시키면 calibrator_settings.cfg 파일을 읽어 온다.
여기에 gvars (PTAM 라이브러리를 지원하는 Gvars3 라이브러리) settings이 설정되어 있...어야 하는데 빈 채로 주어졌다.
CameraCalibrator를 실행시킨 결과로 연산된 카메라 파라미터는 camera.cfg 파일에 저장된다.
실행 후 열어 보면,
1) settings.cfg 파일 로드 GUI.LoadFile("settings.cfg");
2) 사용자 입력 parsing GUI.StartParserThread();
3) 클래스 system (system.h) 실행 s.Run();
Set function to be executed on exit
The function pointed by the function pointer argument is called when the program terminates normally.
try-if 구문
1) Deitel 823p "catch handler"
2) theuhm@naver:
"에러가 발생한 객체는 예외를 발생시킴과 동시에 try블럭 안의 모든 객체는 스코프를 벗어나 참조할 수 없게 되므로 예외를
처리하는 동안 try블럭 안에서 예외를 발생시켰을 수 있는 객체의 참조를 원천적으로 막아 더 안전하고 깔끔한 예외처리를 할 수
있는 환경을 만들어줍니다. 그리고 예외를 던질 때에 예외 객체의 클래스를 적절히 구성하면, 예외 객체에 예외를 처리하는 방법을
담아서 던질 수도 있습니다. 그렇게 구성하면 굉장히 깔끔한 코드를 얻을 수 있죠.
Sets are a kind of associative containers that stores unique elements, and in which the elements themselves are the keys. Sets are typically implemented as binary search trees.
1) PTAM에서 핵심적 기능을 하는 클래스들과 클래스 "System"을 선언 // Defines the System class // This stores the main functional classes of the system class ATANCamera; class Map; class MapMaker; class Tracker; class ARDriver; class MapViewer; class System;
내가 설치할 컴퓨터 사양:
Model Name: Mac mini
Model Identifier: Macmini3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 1 GB
Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
Boot ROM Version: MM31.0081.B00
그래픽 카드:
NVIDIA GeForce 9400
"Intel Core 2 Duo processors 2.4GHz+ are fine."이라고 했는데, 2.0이면 되지 않을까? 그래픽 카드는 동일한 것이니 문제 없고.
1. library dependency 확인
1. TooN - a header library for linear algebra
2. libCVD - a library for image handling, video capture and computer vision
3. Gvars3 - a run-time configuration/scripting library, this is a sub-project of libCVD.
%% cvs -z3 co TooN
실행 결과:
cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /Users/lym/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
cvs checkout: Updating TooN
U TooN/Authors
U TooN/Cholesky.h
U TooN/Doxyfile
U TooN/GPL.txt
U TooN/LU.h
U TooN/Lapack_Cholesky.h
U TooN/
U TooN/SVD.h
U TooN/SymEigen.h
U TooN/TooN.h
U TooN/configure
U TooN/
U TooN/determinant.h
U TooN/gauss_jordan.h
U TooN/gaussian_elimination.h
U TooN/generated.h
U TooN/helpers.h
U TooN/irls.h
U TooN/lapack.h
U TooN/make_make_vector.awk
U TooN/make_typeof.awk
U TooN/se2.h
U TooN/se3.h
U TooN/sl.h
U TooN/so2.h
U TooN/so3.h
U TooN/wls.h
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/Documentation
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/benchmark
U TooN/benchmark/generate_solvers.m
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U TooN/benchmark/
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/doc
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U TooN/doc/linoperatorsdoc.h
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U TooN/internal/dchecktest.hh
U TooN/internal/debug.hh
U TooN/internal/deprecated.hh
U TooN/internal/diagmatrix.h
U TooN/internal/make_vector.hh
U TooN/internal/matrix.hh
U TooN/internal/mbase.hh
U TooN/internal/objects.h
U TooN/internal/operators.hh
U TooN/internal/overfill_error.hh
U TooN/internal/reference.hh
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U TooN/internal/slice_error.hh
U TooN/internal/typeof.hh
U TooN/internal/vbase.hh
U TooN/internal/vector.hh
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/optimization
U TooN/optimization/brent.h
U TooN/optimization/conjugate_gradient.h
U TooN/optimization/downhill_simplex.h
U TooN/optimization/golden_section.h
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/test
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U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/cg_view.gnuplot
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/simplex_view.gnuplot
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
U TooN/test/
생성된 TooN 폴더에 들어가서
%%% ./configure
실행 결과:
checking for g++... g++
checking for C++ compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking for dgesvd_ in -llapack... yes
checking for decltype... no
checking for __typeof__... yes
checking for __attribute__((deprecated))... yes
You're on the development branch of TooN 2.0. Everything will probably work, but
the interface is a bit different from TooN-1.x
If you want TooN-1, then get it using:
cvs -z3 co -r Maintenance_Branch_1_x TooN
or update what you currently have using:
cvs up -r Maintenance_Branch_1_x
or head over to:
Otherwise, please report any bugs you come across.
%% cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" TooN
실행 결과:
cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /Users/lym/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
? TooN/Makefile
? TooN/config.log
? TooN/config.status
cvs checkout: Updating TooN
U TooN/Cholesky.h
U TooN/Doxyfile
U TooN/LU.h
U TooN/
U TooN/SVD.h
U TooN/SymEigen.h
U TooN/TooN.h
U TooN/configure
U TooN/
cvs checkout: `TooN/determinant.h' is no longer in the repository
U TooN/gauss_jordan.h
U TooN/gaussian_elimination.h
U TooN/helpers.h
U TooN/irls.h
U TooN/se2.h
U TooN/se3.h
U TooN/sl.h
U TooN/so2.h
U TooN/so3.h
U TooN/util.h
U TooN/wls.h
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/Documentation
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U TooN/benchmark/generate_solvers.m
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/doc
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cvs checkout: Updating TooN/internal
U TooN/internal/allocator.hh
cvs checkout: `TooN/internal/comma.hh' is no longer in the repository
RCS file: /sources/toon/TooN/internal/config.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.8
Merging differences between 1.12 and 1.8 into config.hh
TooN/internal/config.hh already contains the differences between 1.12 and 1.8
U TooN/internal/
cvs checkout: `TooN/internal/dchecktest.hh' is no longer in the repository
U TooN/internal/debug.hh
cvs checkout: `TooN/internal/deprecated.hh' is no longer in the repository
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U TooN/internal/operators.hh
cvs checkout: `TooN/internal/overfill_error.hh' is no longer in the repository
U TooN/internal/reference.hh
U TooN/internal/slice_error.hh
U TooN/internal/vector.hh
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/optimization
U TooN/optimization/conjugate_gradient.h
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U TooN/optimization/golden_section.h
cvs checkout: Updating TooN/test
U TooN/test/
cvs checkout: `TooN/test/' is no longer in the repository
cvs checkout: `TooN/test/simplex_view.gnuplot' is no longer in the repository
U TooN/test/
%% cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" libcvd
실행 결과:
cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /Users/lym/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd
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U libcvd/
U libcvd/TODO
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cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/build
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cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/IRIX
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U libcvd/cvd/Linux/v4lcontrol.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/OSX
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cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/internal
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U libcvd/cvd/internal/pixel_operations.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/pixel_traits.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/rgb_components.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/scalar_convert.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/simple_vector.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/internal/io
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/bmp.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/fits.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/jpeg.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/png.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/pnm_grok.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/save_postscript.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/text.h
U libcvd/cvd/internal/io/tiff.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/internal/pnm
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/lock
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd/python
U libcvd/cvd/python/interface.h
U libcvd/cvd/python/selector.h
U libcvd/cvd/python/types.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src
U libcvd/cvd_src/bayer.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/colourspace_convert.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/corner_10.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/corner_12.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/corner_9.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/eventobject.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast_corner.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast_corner_9_nonmax.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/faster_corner_10.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/faster_corner_12.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/faster_corner_9.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/faster_corner_utilities.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/globlist.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/gltext.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/mono.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/nonmax_suppression.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/sans.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/serif.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_10.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_11.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_12.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_7.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_8.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/slower_corner_9.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/synchronized.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/thread.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/utility_helpers.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/
U libcvd/cvd_src/videosource.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/yuv411_to_stuff.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/yuv420.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/yuv422.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/yuv422.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/IRIX
U libcvd/cvd_src/IRIX/O2buffer.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/IRIX/sgi-video.cxx
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/Linux
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/kernel-video1394.h
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
U libcvd/cvd_src/Linux/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/OSX
U libcvd/cvd_src/OSX/qtbuffer.cpp
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/SSE2
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/Win32
U libcvd/cvd_src/Win32/glwindow.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/Win32/win32.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/Win32/win32.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/fast
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_10_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_10_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_11_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_11_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_12_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_12_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_7_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_7_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_8_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_8_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_9_detect.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/fast_9_score.cxx
U libcvd/cvd_src/fast/prototypes.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/i686
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/byte_to_double_gradient.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/byte_to_float_gradient.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/byte_to_short_difference.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/convolve_float.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/convolve_float4.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/float_add_mul_add.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/float_add_mul_add_unaligned.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/float_assign_mul.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/float_difference.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/float_innerproduct.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/halfsample.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/int_difference.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/rgb_to_gray.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/short_difference.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/testconf
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/yuv411_to_stuff_MMX.C
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/yuv411_to_stuff_MMX_64.C
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/yuv420p_to_rgb.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/yuv422_to_grey.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/yuv422_to_rgb.s
U libcvd/cvd_src/i686/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/noarch
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/default_memalign.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/posix_memalign.cpp
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
U libcvd/cvd_src/noarch/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/nothread
U libcvd/cvd_src/nothread/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/posix
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/cvd_src/thread
U libcvd/cvd_src/thread/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/doc
U libcvd/doc/cameracalib2cm.pdf
U libcvd/doc/tutorial.h
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/make
U libcvd/make/compile_deps.awk
U libcvd/make/log_to_changelog.awk
U libcvd/make/march_flags
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/pnm_src
U libcvd/pnm_src/bmp.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/
U libcvd/pnm_src/jpeg.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/
U libcvd/pnm_src/pnm_grok.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/save_postscript.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/text.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/
U libcvd/pnm_src/tiff.cxx
U libcvd/pnm_src/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/progs
U libcvd/progs/calibrate.cxx
U libcvd/progs/cvd_display_image.cxx
U libcvd/progs/cvd_image_viewer.cxx
U libcvd/progs/img_play.cxx
U libcvd/progs/img_play_bw.cxx
U libcvd/progs/img_play_deinterlace.cxx
U libcvd/progs/img_play_generic.cxx
U libcvd/progs/se3_exp.cxx
U libcvd/progs/se3_inv.cxx
U libcvd/progs/se3_ln.cxx
U libcvd/progs/se3_post_mul.cxx
U libcvd/progs/se3_pre_mul.cxx
U libcvd/progs/
U libcvd/progs/
U libcvd/progs/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/python
U libcvd/python/
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/python/CVD
U libcvd/python/CVD/cvd.cpp
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/test
U libcvd/test/diskbuffer2.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer3_bayerrgb.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer3_mono.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer_controls.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer_mono.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer_rgb.cxx
U libcvd/test/dvbuffer_yuvrgb.cxx
U libcvd/test/fast_test.cxx
U libcvd/test/
U libcvd/test/font.cpp
U libcvd/test/o2buffer.cxx
U libcvd/test/test_images.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4l1buffer_bayer.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4l1buffer_mono.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4l1buffer_rgb.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4l2buffer.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4lbuffer_bayerrgb.cxx
U libcvd/test/v4lbuffer_mono.cxx
U libcvd/test/videoprog.cxx
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/test/fast_test_image
U libcvd/test/fast_test_image/noise.pgm
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/test/images
U libcvd/test/images/1-byte-bin.pgm
U libcvd/test/images/1-byte-bin.ppm
U libcvd/test/images/1-byte-txt.pgm
U libcvd/test/images/1-byte-txt.ppm
U libcvd/test/images/2-byte-bin.pgm
U libcvd/test/images/2-byte-bin.ppm
U libcvd/test/images/2-byte-txt.pgm
U libcvd/test/images/2-byte-txt.ppm
U libcvd/test/images/colour.jpg
U libcvd/test/images/grey.jpg
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/test/images/tiff
U libcvd/test/images/tiff/grey-bool-inverted.tiff
U libcvd/test/images/tiff/grey-uint16-normal.tiff
U libcvd/test/images/tiff/grey-uint8-normal.tiff
U libcvd/test/images/tiff/rgb-uint16.tiff
U libcvd/test/images/tiff/rgb-uint8.tiff
cvs checkout: Updating libcvd/util
%% cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" gvars3
실행 결과:
cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /Users/lym/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3
U gvars3/Authors
U gvars3/GVars2.h.historic
U gvars3/LICENSE
U gvars3/
U gvars3/config.guess
U gvars3/config.sub
U gvars3/configure
U gvars3/
U gvars3/fltk2_test
U gvars3/fltk_test
U gvars3/install-sh
U gvars3/
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/build
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/build/vc2005
U gvars3/build/vc2005/gvars3-headless.vcproj
U gvars3/build/vc2005/gvars3.sln
U gvars3/build/vc2005/gvars3.vcproj
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/build/vc2008
U gvars3/build/vc2008/gvars3-headless.vcproj
U gvars3/build/vc2008/gvars3.sln
U gvars3/build/vc2008/gvars3.vcproj
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/gvars2_compat
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/gvars3
U gvars3/gvars3/GStringUtil.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_Fltk.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_Fltk2.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_Motif.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_Widgets.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_non_readline.h
U gvars3/gvars3/GUI_readline.h
U gvars3/gvars3/
U gvars3/gvars3/default.h
U gvars3/gvars3/gv3_implementation.hh
U gvars3/gvars3/gvars3.h
U gvars3/gvars3/instances.h
U gvars3/gvars3/serialize.h
U gvars3/gvars3/type_name.h
cvs checkout: Updating gvars3/src
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/GUI_impl.h
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
U gvars3/src/
checking for g++... g++
checking for C++ compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking for decltype... no
checking for typeof... yes
You're on the development branch of TooN 2.0. Everything will probably work, but
the interface is a bit different from TooN-1.x
If you want TooN-1, then get it using:
cvs -z3 co -r Maintenance_Branch_1_x TooN
or update what you currently have using:
cvs up -r Maintenance_Branch_1_x
or head over to:
Otherwise, please report any bugs you come across.
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking if compiler flag -Wall works... yes
checking if compiler flag -Wextra works... yes
checking if compiler flag -pipe works... yes
checking if compiler flag -ggdb works... yes
checking if compiler flag -fPIC works... yes
checking build system type... i386-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking host system type... i386-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking for best optimize flags...
checking if compiler flag -O3 works... yes
checking CPU type... unknown
Checking processor specific features
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking for MMX support... yes
checking for MMXEXT support... yes
checking for SSE support... yes
checking for SSE2 support... yes
checking for SSE3 support... yes
checking for void*... yes
checking size of void*... 4
checking for inline asm statement... yes
checking assembler supports .type pseudo-op... no
Checking for operating system specific features
checking dc1394/dc1394.h usability... no
checking dc1394/dc1394.h presence... no
checking for dc1394/dc1394.h... no
checking for main in -ldc1394... no
checking for /opt/local... yes
checking for /sw... no
configure: Adding /usr/X11R6/include to the build path.
checking Carbon and QuickTime framework... yes
Checking for optional libraries
checking for X... libraries /usr/X11/lib, headers /usr/X11/include
checking for glDrawPixels in -lGL... yes
checking GL/glu.h usability... yes
checking GL/glu.h presence... yes
checking for GL/glu.h... yes
checking for gluGetString in -lGLU... yes
checking for tr1::shared_ptr... yes
checking for TooN... yes
checking Old TooN... no
checking for dgesvd_ in -lacml... no
checking if Accelerate framework is needed for LAPACK...
checking for dgesvd_... yes
checking for working pthreads... yes
checking for pthread_yield... no
checking for pthread_yield_np... yes
checking png.h usability... yes
checking png.h presence... yes
checking for png.h... yes
checking for png_init_io in -lpng... yes
checking jpeglib.h usability... yes
checking jpeglib.h presence... yes
checking for jpeglib.h... yes
checking for jpeg_destroy_decompress in -ljpeg... yes
checking JPEG read buffer size... 1 (safe reading)
checking tiffio.h usability... yes
checking tiffio.h presence... yes
checking for tiffio.h... yes
checking for TIFFReadRGBAImage in -ltiff... yes
checking for TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented in -ltiff... yes
checking for doxygen... no
Checking for platform compatibility
checking glob.h usability... yes
checking glob.h presence... yes
checking for glob.h... yes
checking for glob... yes
checking for GLOB_BRACE and GLOB_TILDE in glob.h... yes
checking whether feenableexcept is declared... no
checking for posix_memalign... no
Checking for extra build options
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking for g++... g++
checking for C++ compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking iostream usability... yes
checking iostream presence... yes
checking for iostream... yes
checking build system type... i386-apple-darwin9.7.0
checking host system type... i386-apple-darwin9.7.0
configure: Adding /sw to the build path.
configure: Adding /opt/local to the build path.
checking if compiler flag -Wall works... yes
checking if compiler flag -Wextra works... yes
Checking for options
checking for TooN... yes
checking for TooN-2... yes
checking if compiler flag -pthread works... yes
checking for rl_done in -lreadline... yes
Checking for widget libraries (provides GUI_...)
configure: WARNING: No GUI functionality enabled
toon readline
내 (OS X의) 경우, PTAM/Build/OS X에 있는 모든 (두 개의) 파일 Makefile과 VideoSource_OSX.cc를 PTAM 폴더에 옮겼다.
3-2. video source 셋업
카메라에 맞는 video input file을 컴파일하도록 Makefile을 수정해 주어야 한다.
맥의 경우, (아마도 Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 을 기준으로 하는) 하나의 소스 파일만이 존재하므로 그대로 두면 될 듯.
3-3. video source 추가
다른 비디오 소스들은 libCVD에 클래스로 만들어져 있다고 한다. 여기에 포함되어 있지 않은 경우에는 라는 식의 이름을 갖는 파일을 만들어서 넣어 주어야 한다.
3-4. compile
PTAM 폴더에 들어가서
%% make
실행 결과:
g++ -g -O3 -o main.o -c -I /MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH/ -D_OSX -D_REENTRANT
g++ -g -O3 -o VideoSource_OSX.o -c -I /MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH/ -D_OSX -D_REENTRANT
g++ -g -O3 -o GLWindow2.o -c -I /MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH/ -D_OSX -D_REENTRANT
In file included from OpenGL.h:20,
/usr/local/include/cvd/gl_helpers.h:38:19: error: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
/usr/local/include/cvd/gl_helpers.h:39:20: error: GL/glu.h: No such file or directory
/usr/local/include/cvd/gl_helpers.h: In function 'void CVD::glPrintErrors()':
/usr/local/include/cvd/gl_helpers.h:569: error: 'gluGetString' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [GLWindow2.o] Error 1
PTAM이 OpenGL을 사용하고 있는데, OpenGL이 Mac에 기본으로 설치되어 있으므로 신경쓰지 않았던 부분이다. 물론 system의 public framework으로 들어가 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 그런데 UNIX 프로그램에서 접근할 수는 없는가? (인터넷에서 검색해 보아도 따로 설치할 수 있는 다운로드 링크나 방법을 찾을 수 없다.)
에러 메시지에 대한 정확한 진단 ->
philphys: 일단 OpenGL은 분명히 있을 건데 그 헤더파일과 라이브러리가 있는 곳을 지정해 주지 않아서 에러가 나는 것 같아. 보통 Makefile에 이게 지정되어 있어야 하는데 실행결과를 보니까 전혀 지정되어 있지 않네. 중간에 보면 -I /MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH/ 라는 부분이 헤더 파일의 위치를 지정해 주는 부분이고 또 라이브러리는 뒤에 링크할 때 지정해 주게 되어 있는데 거기까지는 가지도 못 했네.
즉, "링커가 문제가 아니라, 컴파일러 옵션에 OpenGL의 헤더파일이 있는 디렉토리를 지정해 주어야 할 것 같다"고 한다.
문제의 Makefile을 들여다보고
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
# Edit the lines below to point to any needed include and link paths
# Or to change the compiler's optimization flags CC = g++ -g -O3 COMPILEFLAGS = -I /MY_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_PATH/ -D_OSX -D_REENTRANT LINKFLAGS = -framework OpenGL -framework VecLib -L/MY_CUSTOM_LINK_PATH/ -lGVars3 -lcvd
(다음은 philphys 인용) 파란색 부분 - 각 소스코드를 컴파일한 다음 컴파일된 오브젝트 코드를 실행파일로 링크하는 부분. 여기서는 $(LINKFLAGS)에 링커 프로그램에 전달되는 옵션이 들어간다. 초록색 부분 - 컴파일할 오브젝트 코드의 리스트 분홍색 부분 - CC는 컴파일러 프로그램과 기본 옵션. COMPILEFLAGS는 컴파일러에 전달하는 옵션들, 여기에 헤더 파일의 위치를 정할 수 있다. LINKFLAGS는 컴파일된 오브젝트 코드를 실행파일로 링크하는 링커에 들어가는 옵션. 여기에 라이브러리의 위치와 사용할 라이브러리를 지정해 준다. 라이브러리의 위치는 -L 옵션으로, 구체적인 라이브러리 이름은 -l 옵션으로.
maetel: 사실 프레임웍 안에 gl.h 파일이 있는 위치는 다음과 같다.
philphys: "근데 코드에서는 그 헤더를 "GL/gl.h"로 찾는다는 게 문제. 이건 프레임웍 방식이 아닌 고전적인 유닉스 Xwindows의 OpenGL 방식이다. 즉 방금 보인 gl.h, glu.h 등이 있는 /usr/X11R6/include 를 COMPILERFLAGS에 -I 옵션으로 넣어 줘야 하는 게 아닐까."
philphys: /usr/X11R6/include 밑에 GL 폴더가 있고 거기에 필요한 헤더파일들이 모두 들어 있다. 그래서 코드에선 "GL/gl.h" 하는 식으로 explicit하게 GL 폴더를 찾게 된다.
그러고 보면 아래와 같은 설명이 있었던 것이다.
Since the Linux code compiles directly against the nVidia driver's GL headers, use of a different GL driver may require some modifications to the code.
CameraCalibrator 파일을 실행시켜 카메라 캘리브레이션을 시도했더니 GUI 창이 뜨는데 연결된 웹캠(Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000)으로부터 입력을 받지 못 한다.
4-0. 증상
CameraCalibrator 실행파일을 열면, 다음과 같은 터미널 창이 새로 열린다.
Last login: Fri Aug 7 01:14:05 on ttys001
%% /Users/lym/PTAM/CameraCalibrator ; exit;
Welcome to CameraCalibrator
Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces
Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008
Parsing calibrator_settings.cfg ....
! GUI_impl::Loadfile: Failed to load script file "calibrator_settings.cfg".
VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer....
This will open a quicktime settings planel.
You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's
sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening
artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the
performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system.
그리고 Video란 이름의 GUI 창이 열리는데, 이때 아무런 설정을 바꾸지 않고 그대로 OK를 누르면 위의 터미널 창에 다음과 같은 메시지가 이어지면서 자동 종료된다.
.. created QTBuffer of size [640 480]
2009-08-07 01:20:57.231 CameraCalibrator[40836:10b] ***_NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0xf70e2c0 of class NSThread autoreleasedwith no pool in place - just leaking
Stack: (0x96827f0f 0x96734442 0x9673a1b4 0xbc2db7 0xbc7e9a 0xbc69d30xbcacbd 0xbca130 0x964879c9 0x90f8dfb8 0x90e69618 0x90e699840x964879c9 0x90f9037c 0x90e7249c 0x90e69984 0x964879c9 0x90f8ec800x90e55e05 0x90e5acd5 0x90e5530f 0x964879c9 0x94179eb9 0x282b48 0xd9f40xd6a6 0x2f16b 0x2fea4 0x26b6)
! Code for converting from format "Raw RGB data"
not implemented yet, check
[Process completed]
그러므로 3-3의 문제 -- set up video source (비디오 소스 셋업) --로 돌아가야 한다.
즉, 파일을 수정해서 다시 컴파일한 후 실행해야 한다.
Other video source classes are available with libCVD. Finally, if a custom video source not supported by libCVD is required, the code for it will have to be put into some file (the interface for this file is very simple.)
터미널에서 calibrator_settings.cfg 파일을 로드하지 못 했다고 하기에, 그 파일을 찾아보았다.
%% find . -name "calibrator_settings.cfg" -print
알고 보니 ./는 현재 디렉토리를 말하나 보다. PTAM 폴더 밑에 바로 있다. 왜 못 봤을까...
열어 보니 다음과 같다.
// This file is parsed by the CameraCalibrator executable
// Put any custom gvars settings you want in here
// For example: to increase the camera calibrator's blur parameter,
// uncomment the following line
// CameraCalibrator.BlurSigma=2.0
cout << " VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer...." << endl;
cout << " IMPORTANT " << endl;
cout << " This will open a quicktime settings planel. " << endl
<< " You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's " << endl
<< " sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening " << endl
<< " artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the " << endl
<< " performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system. " << endl;
QTBuffer<yuv422>* pvb;
pvb= new QTBuffer<yuv422>(ImageRef(640,480), 0, true);
catch (CVD::Exceptions::All a)
cerr << " Error creating QTBuffer; expection: " << a.what << endl;
mptr = pvb;
mirSize = pvb->size();
cout << " .. created QTBuffer of size " << mirSize << endl;
그러나 위에서 보듯 size가 맞지 않고 frame이 겹치는 등 넘어갈 수 없는 문제가 있다. (오른쪽 이미지는 같은 상황에서의 비교를 위해 맥용 드라이버 macam에서의 입력을 캡쳐한 것.)
터미널에서의 결과:
%% /Users/lym/PTAM/CameraCalibrator ; exit;
Welcome to CameraCalibrator
Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces
Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008
Parsing calibrator_settings.cfg ....
! GUI_impl::Loadfile: Failed to load script file "calibrator_settings.cfg".
VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer....
This will open a quicktime settings planel.
You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's
sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening
artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the
performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system.
> .. created QTBuffer of size [640 480]
2009-08-12 23:10:38.309 CameraCalibrator[5110:10b] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0xf8054e0 of class NSThread autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Stack: (0x96670f4f 0x9657d432 0x965831a4 0xc17db7 0xc1ce9a 0xc1b9d3 0xc1fcbd 0xc1f130 0x924b09c9 0x958e8fb8 0x957c4618 0x957c4984 0x924b09c9 0x958eb37c 0x957cd49c 0x957c4984 0x924b09c9 0x958e9c80 0x957b0e05 0x957b5cd5 0x957b030f 0x924b09c9 0x90bd4eb9 0x282b48 0xd9e4 0xd5a6 0x2f15b 0x2fe94 0x25b6)
4-1-2. YUV format 확인
Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000는 YUV420P라는 글을 어디선가 보고, 코드의 yuv422 부분을 yuv420p로 바꾸었으나 증상은 그대로이다.
skype forum:
There is another problem here with Xgl unfortunately, as it
isn'tsupporting the YUV420P (I420) overlay colour/pixel format either.
Soeven if the camera captures successfully (which looks okay on
thosesettings), then you still won't see anything.
왼쪽: macam에서 캡쳐한 이미지 / 오른쪽: PTAM CameraCalibrator에서 보여지는 이미지
Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000
Welcome to CameraCalibrator
Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces
Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008
Parsing calibrator_settings.cfg ....
VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer....
This will open a quicktime settings planel.
You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's
sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening
artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the
performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system.
> .. created QTBuffer of size [640 480]
2009-08-13 04:02:50.464 CameraCalibrator[6251:10b] ***
_NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x9df180 of class NSThread autoreleased
with no pool in place - just leaking
Stack: (0x96670f4f 0x9657d432 0x965831a4 0xbc2db7 0xbc7e9a 0xbc69d3
0xbcacbd 0xbca130 0x924b09c9 0x958e8fb8 0x957c4618 0x957c4984
0x924b09c9 0x958eb37c 0x957cd49c 0x957c4984 0x924b09c9 0x958e9c80
0x957b0e05 0x957b5cd5 0x957b030f 0x924b09c9 0x90bd4eb9 0x282b48 0xd414
0xcfd6 0x2f06b 0x2fda4)
4-2. Camera Calibrator 실행
Camera calib is [ 1.51994 2.03006 0.499577 0.536311 -0.0005 ]
Saving camera calib to camera.cfg...
.. saved.
5. PTAM 실행
Welcome to PTAM
Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces
Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008
Parsing settings.cfg ....
VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer....
This will open a quicktime settings planel.
You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's
sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening
artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the
performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system.
> .. created QTBuffer of size [640 480]
2009-08-13 20:17:54.162 ptam[1374:10b] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x8f5850 of class NSThread autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Stack: (0x96670f4f 0x9657d432 0x965831a4 0xbb9db7 0xbbee9a 0xbbd9d3 0xbc1cbd 0xbc1130 0x924b09c9 0x958e8fb8 0x957c4618 0x957c4984 0x924b09c9 0x958eb37c 0x957cd49c 0x957c4984 0x924b09c9 0x958e9c80 0x957b0e05 0x957b5cd5 0x957b030f 0x924b09c9 0x90bd4eb9 0x282b48 0x6504 0x60a6 0x11af2 0x28da 0x2766)
ARDriver: Creating FBO... .. created FBO.
MapMaker: made initial map with 135 points.
MapMaker: made initial map with 227 points.
CameraCalibrator를 실행하면 뜨는 GUI 창에서 다음과 같이 기본 설정이 적용되고,
Source: iSight
Compression type: Component Video - CCIR-601 uyvy
rms error 0.3 이하로 깔끔하게 수렴된 카메라 파라미터의 계산값이 다음과 같은 식으로 나올 때,
Camera calib is [ 1.22033 1.62577 0.489375 0.641251 0.544352 ]
PTAM을 실행하면 위의 Logitech QuickCam 두 기종보다는 features를 보다 잘 잡는다. (아직은 많이 부족하지만...)
Welcome to PTAM
Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces
Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008
Parsing settings.cfg ....
VideoSource_OSX: Creating QTBuffer....
This will open a quicktime settings planel.
You should use this settings dialog to turn the camera's
sharpness to a minimum, or at least so small that no sharpening
artefacts appear! In-camera sharpening will seriously degrade the
performance of both the camera calibrator and the tracking system.
> .. created QTBuffer of size [640 480]
ARDriver: Creating FBO... .. created FBO.
MapMaker: made initial map with 242 points.
MapMaker: made initial map with 259 points.
MapMaker: made initial map with 323 points.
MapMaker: made initial map with 626 points.
Klein, G. and Murray, D. 2007. Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces
In Proceedings of the 2007 6th IEEE and ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Volume 00
(November 13 - 16, 2007). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1-10. DOI=
1. parallel threads of tracking and mapping
2. mapping from smaller keyframes: batch techniques (Bundle Adjustment)
3. Initializing the map from 5-point Algorithm
4. Initializing new points with epipolar search
5. mapping thousands of points
affine warp
warping matrix <- (1) back-projecting unit pixel displacements in the source keyframe pyramid level onto the patch's plane and then (2) projecting these into the current (target) frame
Trends in Augmented Reality Tracking, Interaction and Display : A Review of Ten Years of ISMAR
Feng Zhou (Center for Human Factors and Ergonomics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Henry Been-Lirn Duh (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Interactive and Digital Media Institute, National University of Singapore)
Mark Billinghurst (The HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
1. Sensor-based tracking -> ubiquitous tracking and dynamic data fusion
2. Vision-based tracking: feature-based and model-based
1) feature-based tracking techniques:
- To find a correspondence between 2D image features and their 3D world frame coordinates.
- Then to find the camera pose from projecting the 3D coordinates of the feature into the observed 3D image coordinates and minimizing the distance to their corresponding 3D features.
2) model-based tracking techniques:
- To explicitly use a model of the features of tracked objects such as a CAD model or 2D template of the object based on the distinguishable features.
- A visual serving approach adapted from robotics to calculate camera pose from a range of model features (line, circles, cylinders and spheres)
- knowledge about the scene by predicting hidden movement of the object and reducing the effects of outlier data
3. Hybrid tracking
- closed-loop-type tracking based on computer vision techonologies
- motion prediction
- SFM (structure from motion)
- SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping)
Interaction and User Interfaces
1. Tangible
2. Collaborative
3. Hybrid
1. See-through HMDs
1) OST = optical see-through
: the user to see the real world with virtual objects superimposed on it by optical or video technologies
2) VST = video see-through
: to display graphical infromation directly on real objects or even daily surfaces in everyday life
2. Projection-based Displays
3. Handheld Displays
Limitations of AR
> tracking
1) complexity of the scene and the motion of target objects, including the degrees of freedom of individual objects and their represenation
=> correspondence analysis: Kalman filters, particle filters.
2) how to find distinguishable objects for "markers" outdoors
> interaction
ergonomics, human factors, usability, cognition, HCI (human-computer interaction)
> AR displays
- HMDs - limited FOV, image distortions,
- projector-based displays - lack mobility, self-occlusion
- handheld displays - tracking with markers to limit the work range
Trends and Future Directions
1. Tracking
1) RBPF (Rao-Blackwellized particle filters) -> automatic recognition systems
2) SLAM, ubiquitous tracking, sensor network -> free from prior knowledge
3) pervasive middleware <- information fusion algorithms
2. Interaction and User Interfaces
"Historically, human knowledge, experience and emotion are expressed and communicated in words and pictures. Given the advances in interface and data capturing technology, knowledge, experience and emotion might now be presented in the form of AR content."
Studierstube Augmented Reality Project : software framework for the development of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality applications
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)
Sharedspace project
The Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HITLab) at the University ofWashington and ATR Media Integration & Communication in Kyoto,Japan join forces at SIGGRAPH 99
Ronald Azuma, Yohan Baillot, Reinhold Behringer, Steven Feiner,Simon Julier, Blair MacIntyre Recent Advances in Augmented Reality.IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21, 6 (Nov/Dec 2001),34-47.
Bimber, O., Fröhlich, B., Schmalstieg, D., and Encarnação, L. M. 2005. The virtual showcase. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses
(Los Angeles, California, July 31 - August 04, 2005). J. Fujii, Ed.
SIGGRAPH '05. ACM, New York, NY, 3. DOI=
Bimber, O., Wetzstein, G., Emmerling, A., and Nitschke, C. 2005.
Enabling View-Dependent Stereoscopic Projection in Real Environments.
In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(October 05 - 08, 2005). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE
Computer Society, Washington, DC, 14-23. DOI=
Cotting, D., Naef, M., Gross, M., and Fuchs, H. 2004. Embedding
Imperceptible Patterns into Projected Images for Simultaneous
Acquisition and Display. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(November 02 - 05, 2004). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 100-109. DOI=
Ehnes, J., Hirota, K., and Hirose, M. 2004. Projected Augmentation - Augmented Reality using Rotatable Video Projectors. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
(November 02 - 05, 2004). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 26-35. DOI=
Arango, M., Bahler, L., Bates, P., Cochinwala, M., Cohrs, D., Fish, R.,
Gopal, G., Griffeth, N., Herman, G. E., Hickey, T., Lee, K. C., Leland,
W. E., Lowery, C., Mak, V., Patterson, J., Ruston, L., Segal, M.,
Sekar, R. C., Vecchi, M. P., Weinrib, A., and Wuu, S. 1993. The Touring
Machine system. Commun. ACM 36, 1 (Jan. 1993), 69-77. DOI=
Gupta, S. and Jaynes, C. 2006. The universal media book: tracking and augmenting moving surfaces with projected information. In Proceedings of the 2006 Fifth IEEE and ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Ismar'06) - Volume 00
(October 22 - 25, 2006). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE
Computer Society, Washington, DC, 177-180. DOI=
Klein, G. and Murray, D. 2007. Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces. In Proceedings of the 2007 6th IEEE and ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Volume 00
(November 13 - 16, 2007). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1-10. DOI=
Neubert, J., Pretlove, J., and Drummond, T. 2007. Semi-Autonomous
Generation of Appearance-based Edge Models from Image Sequences. In Proceedings of the 2007 6th IEEE and ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Volume 00
(November 13 - 16, 2007). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1-9. DOI=
Platform: Windows 2000/XP (1) Output: • 3D orientation o Quaternions o Euler Angles (xyz) o Rotation Matrix • 3D rate of turn • 3D acceleration • 3D magnetic field strength • Temperature
Dynamic Range: all angles in 3D Angular Resolution: 0.05° RMS (2) Static Accuracy: <1° (3) Dynamic Accuracy: 3° RMS (4) Turn On Time: 50 ms (5) Sample Frequency: 100 Hz (6)
*** ECEF stands for Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed, and is a Cartesian coordinate system used for GPS, and is sometimes known as a "conventional terrestrial" system[1]. It represents positions as an X, Y, and Z coordinate. The point (0,0,0) denotes the mass center of the earth, hence the name Earth-Centered. The z-axis is defined as being parallel to the earth rotational axes, pointing towards north. The x-axis intersects the sphere of the earth at the 0° latitude, 0° longitude. This means the ECEF rotates with the earth around its z-axis. Therefore, coordinates of a point fixed on the surface of the earth do not change, hence the name earth-fixed. In computing, endianness is the byte (and sometimes bit) ordering used to represent some kind of data. Typical cases are the order in which integer values are stored as bytes in computer memory (relative to a given memory addressing scheme) and the transmission order over a network or other medium. When specifically talking about bytes, endianness is also referred to simply as byte order.
Preamble (2B) Sensor ID (2B) Accelerometer (6B)Gyroscoop (6B) Magneto (6B) Temperature (2B) Checksum (1B)
Physical Specifications overview
Interface: Serial digital (RS-232/RS-485) Operating Voltage: 6 V (adapter included) Power Consumption: 35 mA Temperature Operating Range: 5°C - 45°C Outline Dimensions: 39 x 54 x 28 mm (W x L x H)
3.4 Q: What kind of anti-aliasing (low-pass) filters does the MTx/MTi have? A:What kind of anti-aliasing (low-pass) filters does the MTx/MTi have? A: To avoid aliasing the MT uses low-pass (LP) filters on all inertial data channels (not on temperature and magnetometers). The filters used are effective second order and are available in different cut-off frequencies depending on your requirements. The standard MT is delivered with 40 Hz LP on the rate-of-turn sensors and 30 Hz LP on the accelerometers.
3.5 Q: Is there a USB version of the MTi / MTx? A: The MTi and MTx are delivered with an Xsens USB Converter. The communication from sensor to USB Converter can be either RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485.
3.9 Q: Is it possible to connect the MTx/MTi to a PocketPC? A:Yes, most PocketPC's support standard RS232 input (mostly with supplied RS232 synch cable) so you can develop software for the PocketPC using binary data from the MTi or MTx or log the inertial data on the PocketPC (please contact us if you would like to receive a simple binary datalogger for the PocketPC).
Using the Xbus Master you can also easily connect to a PocketPC using Bluetooth.
Software (programs or data) that has been written onto read-only memory (ROM). Firmware is a combination of software and hardware. ROMs, PROMs and EPROMs that have data or programs recorded on them are firmware.
As its name suggests, firmware is somewhere between hardware and software. Like software, it is a computer program which is executed by a microprocessor or a microcontroller. But it is also tightly linked to a piece of hardware, and has little meaning outside of it. ①처리 과정 동안 컴퓨터에 의해 동적으로 변경이 불가능한 부류의 기억 장치에 적재된 컴퓨터 프로그램과 자료들. ②사용자 입장에서 변경할 수 없는 컴퓨터 프로그램과 자료가 들어 있는 하드웨어. 즉, 펌웨어에 들어 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램과 자료는 소프트웨어로 분류되고, 그 프로그램과 자료가 들어 있는 전기 회로는 하드웨어로 분류된다. ③읽기용 기억 장치(ROM)에 저장된 프로그램 명령어들. ④정상적인 동작을 하는 동안에는 변하지 않는, 기능적 개체를 구성하고 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램과 하드웨어가 1개의 단위로 이루어진 집합체. 그 하드웨어 단위에 저장된 컴퓨터 프로그램은 특정한 응용이나 작용에 맞는 요구를 만족시킬 고정된 논리 윤곽을 가진 집적 회로(IC)로서 저장된다.