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2010. 6. 2. 20:57 Computer Vision
D.C. Brown, Close-Range Camera Calibration, Photogrammetric Engineering, pages 855-866, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1971.

posted by maetel
2010. 5. 30. 01:59

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2010. 3. 13. 01:16 Computer Vision

// Test: video capturing from a camera

#include <OpenCV/OpenCV.h> // matrix operations

int main()
    IplImage* image = 0;
    // initialize capture from a camera
    CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0); // capture from video device #0
    while(1) {
        if ( !cvGrabFrame(capture) ){
            printf("Could not grab a frame\n\7");
        else {
        cvGrabFrame( capture ); // capture a frame
        image = cvRetrieveFrame(capture); // retrieve the caputred frame
        cvShowImage( "camera", image );
        if( cvWaitKey(10) >= 0 )
    cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); // release the capture source
    cvDestroyWindow( "camera" );

    return 0;

posted by maetel
2009. 10. 27. 14:40 Computer Vision
Harris' RAPiD
C. Harris and C. Stennett, “Rapid - a video rate object tracker,” in Proc 1st British Machine Vision Conference, Sep 1990, pp. 73–77.

C. Harris, “Tracking with rigid models,” in Active Vision, A. Blake and A. Yuille, Eds. MIT Press, 1992, pp. 59–73.

RAPID (Real-time Attitude and Position Determination) is a real-time model-based tracking algorithm for a known three dimensional object executing arbitrary motion, and viewed by a single video-camera. The 3D object model consists of selected control points on high contrast edges, which can be surface markings, folds or profile edges.
The use of either an alpha-beta tracker or a Kalman filter permits large object motion to be tracked and produces more stable tracking results. The RAPID tracker runs at video-rate on a standard minicomputer equipped with an image capture board.

alpha-beta tracker

Kalman filter

posted by maetel
2009. 8. 4. 23:07 Computer Vision
SLAM 전반/기본에 관한 자료

Durrant-Whyte & Bailey "Simultaneous localization and mapping"

Søren Riisgaard and Morten Rufus Blas
SLAM for Dummies: A Tutorial Approach to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Joan Solà Ortega (de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2007)
Towards visual localization, mapping and moving objects tracking by a mobile robot: A geometric and probabilistic approach
ch3@ http://leeway.tistory.com/628

SLAM summer school
2009 Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney
2006 Department of Engineering Science and Robotics Research Group, Oxford
2004 Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems  (LAAS-CNRS) located in Toulouse
2002 Centre for Autonomous Systems
Numerical Analysis and Computer Science
Royal Institute of Technology
, Stockholm

Oxford 대학 Active Vision LabVisual Information Processing (VIP) Research Group에서 개발한 SceneLib tutorial인데, Monocular Single Camera를 사용한 SLAM의 기본 개념을 정리해 놓았다.

'Computer Vision' 카테고리의 다른 글

PTAM to be dissected on OS X  (0) 2009.08.17
PTAM test log on Mac OS X  (7) 2009.08.05
Kalman Filter  (0) 2009.07.30
OpenCV 1.0 설치 on Mac OS X  (0) 2009.07.27
cameras on mac os x  (0) 2009.07.27
posted by maetel
2009. 7. 27. 17:04 Computer Vision

macam : USB webcam support for Mac OS X

webcam + opencv - SWiK

Video device drivers - IOXperts is a leading provider of drivers for USB and FireWire cameras


Logitech QuickCam® Communicate STX™

Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000


MacOS X Compatible Cameras

Macintosh computers

Mac mini 맥미니 (Firewire 800)

Mac mini 맥미니 (Firewire 800)


Mac mini 맥미니 (Firewire 800) - 1394 (Firewire 400) 카메라 케이블:
6-pin to 9-pin FireWire Adapter

Sonnet - FireWire 400 to 800 Adapter
Netmate 1394B 9P Bilingual to 6P 케이블 2M

posted by maetel
2009. 7. 21. 16:16 Computer Vision
임현, 이영삼 (인하대 전기공학부)
이동로봇의 동시간 위치인식 및 지도작성(SLAM)
제어 로봇 시스템 학회지 제15권 제2호 (2009년 6월)
from kyu

> definition
mapping: 환경을 인식가능한 정보로 변환하고
localization: 이로부터 자기 위치를 추정하는 것

> issues
- uncertainty <= sensor
- data association (데이터 조합): 차원이 높은 센서 정보로부터 2-3차원 정도의 정보를 추려내어 이를 지속적으로 - 대응시키는 것
- 관찰된 특징점 자료들을 효율적으로 관리하는 방법

> localization (위치인식)
: 그 위치가 미리 알려진 랜드마크를 관찰한 정보를 토대로 자신의 위치를 추정하는 것
: 초기치 x0와 k-1시점까지의 제어 입력, 관측벡터와 사전에 위치가 알려진 랜드마크를 통하여 매 k시점마다 로봇의 위치를 추정하는 것
- 로봇의 위치추정의 불확실성은 센서의 오차로부터 기인함.

> mapping (지도작성)
: 기준점과 상대좌표로 관찰된 결과를 누적하여 로봇이 위치한 환경을 모델링하는 것
: 위치와 관측정보 그리고 제어입력으로부터 랜드마크 집합을 추정하는 것
- 지도의 부정확성은 센서의 오차로부터 기인함.

> Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM, 동시간 위치인식 및 지도작성)
: 위치한 환경 내에서 로봇의 위치를 추정하는 것
: 랜드마크 관측벡터와 초기값 그리고 적용된 모든 제어입력이 주어진 상태에서 랜드마크의 위치와 k시점에서의 로봇 상태벡터 xk의 결합확률
- 재귀적 방법 + Bayes 정리
- observation model (관측 모델) + motion model (상태 공간 모델, 로봇의 움직임 모델)
- motion model은 상태 천이가 Markov 과정임을 의미함. (현재 상태는 오직 이전 상태와 입력 벡터로서 기술되고, 랜드마크 집합과 관측에 독립임.)
- prediction (time-update) + correction (measurement-update)
- 불확실성은 로봇 주행거리계와 센서 오차로부터 유발됨.

conditional Bayes rule
 P(A|B \cap C) = \frac{P(A \cap B \cap C)}{P(B \cap C)} = \frac{P(B|A \cap C) \, P(A|C) \, P(C)}{P(C) \, P(B|C)} = \frac{P(B|A \cap C) \, P(A|C)}{P(B|C)}\,.

Markov process

total probability theorem: "law of alternatives"
\Pr(A)=\sum_{n} \Pr(A\cap B_n)\,
\Pr(A)=\sum_{n} \Pr(A\mid B_n)\Pr(B_n).\,

> Extended Kalman filter (EKF, 확장 칼만 필터)


posted by maetel
2009. 7. 15. 16:49 Computer Vision
Klein, G. and Murray, D. 2007.
Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces
In Proceedings of the 2007 6th IEEE and ACM international Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Volume 00 (November 13 - 16, 2007). Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1-10. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISMAR.2007.4538852

Georg Klein
David Murray
Active Vision Laboratory, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Source CodeUsage Example

1. parallel threads of tracking and mapping
2. mapping from smaller keyframes: batch techniques (Bundle Adjustment)
3. Initializing the map from 5-point Algorithm
4. Initializing new points with epipolar search
5. mapping thousands of points

Joint Compatibility Branch and Bound (JCBB)

RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)

coarse-to-fine approach

batch method
bundle adjustment

Structure-from-Motion (SfM)

five-point stereo

5-point algorithm

Henrik Stew´enius, Christopher Engels, David Nist´er
Recent Developments on Direct Relative Orientation

epipolar feature search

intensity-patch descriptor

(feature-to-feature or camera-to-feature) correlation-based search

NCC (normalized cross correlation) search

Unibrain Fire-i digital camera


FAST-10 corner detection

decaying velocity model

barrel radial distortion

lie group SE(3)

affine warp
warping matrix <- (1) back-projecting unit pixel displacements in the source keyframe pyramid level onto the patch's plane and then (2) projecting these into the current (target) frame

inverse compositional image alignment 

Tukey biweight objective function

Zhengyou Zhang, M-estimators

Shi-Tomasi corner detector


cubic-cost matrix factorization

posted by maetel
2009. 3. 31. 15:22 Computer Vision

VIP paper-reading
2009-03-31 @GA606

by adrift  

Robot Sensor Calibration: Solving AX = XB on the Euclidean Group
Frank C. Park and Bryan J. Martin

This paper appears in: Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date: Oct 1994
Volume: 10,  Issue: 5
On page(s): 717-721
ISSN: 1042-296X
References Cited: 8
INSPEC Accession Number: 4803588
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/70.326576
Current Version Published: 2002-08-06

The equation AX=XB on the Euclidean group arises in the problem of calibrating wrist-mounted robotic sensors. In this article the authors derive, using methods of Lie theory, a closed-form exact solution that can be visualized geometrically, and a closed-form least squares solution when A and B are measured in the presence of noise 





posted by maetel
2009. 2. 14. 17:27 Computer Vision
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 24, Number 5, October 2008
: Visual SLAM Special Issue

Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Visual SLAM

simultaneous localization mapping (SLAM)
in autonomous mobile robotics
using laser range-finder sensors
to build 2-D maps of planar environments

SLAM with standard cameras:
feature detection
data association
large-scale state estimation

SICK laser scanner

Kalman filter
Particle filter

particle filter = sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC)

the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system

the process of creating geometrically accurate maps of the environment
to build up a map within an unknown environment while at the same time keeping track of their current position

R.C. Smith and P. Cheeseman (1986)

Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte (early 1990s)

Sebastian Thrun

mobile robotics
autonomous vehicle

한국로봇산업협  http://www.korearobot.or.kr/

posted by maetel
2008. 10. 16. 20:42 @GSMC/박래홍: Computer Vision

2.4 Color images

2.4.1 Physics of color

2.4.2 Color perceived by humans

XYZ color space

color matching functions
: numerical description of the chromatic response of the observer

color gamut:
subsapce of colors perceived by humans

Digitizing a photograph, converting a digitized image to a different color space, or outputting it to a given medium using a certain output device generally alters its gamut, in the sense that some of the colors in the original are lost in the process.


2.4.3 Color spaces



(1) RGB color space
- relative color standard
- additive color mixing
- sRGB, Adobe RGB, Adobe Wide Gamut RGB

The complete specification of an RGB color space also requires a white point chromaticity and a gamma correction curve.

(2) YIQ color space
- additive color mixing
- luminance (the perceived energy ot a light source)

The Y component represents the luma information, and is the only component used by black-and-white television receivers. I and Q represent the chrominance information.

(3) YUV color space

Y' stands for the luma component (the brightness) and U and V are the chrominance (color) components.

(4) CMY color space
- subtractive color mixing (in printing process)
- sets of inks, substrates, and press characteristics

masking certain colors on the typically white background (that is, absorbing particular wavelengths of light)

(5) HSV color space
- Hue, Saturation, Value (; HSB, Hue, Saturation, Brightness ; HSI; Hue, Saturation, Intensity)
- => image enhancement algorithms

Because HSL and HSV are simple transformations of device-dependent RGB, the color defined by a (h, s, l) or (h, s, v) triplet depends on the particular color of red, green, and blue “primaries” used. Each unique RGB device therefore has unique HSL and HSV spaces to accompany it. An (h, s, l) or (h, s, v) triplet can however become definite when it is tied to a particular RGB color space, such as sRGB.


2.4.4 Palette images

palette images; indexed images

lookup table; color table; color map; index register; palette

The number of colors in the image exceeds the number of entries in the lookup table and a subset of colors has to be chosen, and a loss of information occurs.

vector quantization (-> 14.4)
1) to check which colors appear in the image by creating histograms for all three color components
2) to quantize them to provide more shades for colors which occur in the image frequently
3) to find the nearest color in the lookup table to represent the color 

=> to analyze large multi-dimensional datasets


Clustering is the classification of objects into different groups, or more precisely, the partitioning of a data set into subsets (clusters), so that the data in each subset (ideally) share some common trait - often proximity according to some defined distance measure.

The k-means algorithm is an algorithm to cluster n objects based on attributes into k partitions, k < n. It is similar to the expectation-maximization algorithm for mixtures of Gaussians in that they both attempt to find the centers of natural clusters in the data.


Palette selection depends on the semantics of the image and is an interactive process.

2.4.5 Color constancy

The same surface color under diffrent illumination
> color compensations
- to scale the sensitivity of each sensor type
=> automatic white balancing
- to assume that the brightest point in the image has the color of the illumination

2.5 Cameras: an overview

2.5.1 Photosensitive sensors

> photosensitive sensors in cameras
(1) photo-emission

photoelectric effect (; Hertz Effect)

vacuum tube TV cameras

(2) photovoltanic


night vision camera
Schottky photodiode

> semiconductor photoresistive sensors
(1) CCDs (charge-coupled devices)
- arranged into a matrix-like grid of pixels (CCD chip)
- blooming effect
- shift registers
- SNR fropped

(2) CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
- all of the pixel area devoted to light capture
- matrix-like sensors

2.5.2 A monochromatic camera

2.5.3 A color camera

2.6 Summary

'@GSMC > 박래홍: Computer Vision' 카테고리의 다른 글

Ch.10 Image Understanding  (0) 2008.12.15
Ch.9 Object Recognition  (0) 2008.11.25
Ch. 6 Segmentation I  (0) 2008.09.20
Ch. 2 The image, its representations and properties  (0) 2008.09.10
Ch.1 Introduction  (0) 2008.09.04
posted by maetel