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2010. 2. 9. 17:50 Computer Vision

Undelayed initialization in bearing only SLAM

Sola, J.   Monin, A.   Devy, M.   Lemaire, T.  
CNRS, Toulouse, France;

This paper appears in: Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005. (IROS 2005). 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Publication Date: 2-6 Aug. 2005
On page(s): 2499- 2504
ISBN: 0-7803-8912-3
INSPEC Accession Number: 8750433
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IROS.2005.1545392
Current Version Published: 2005-12-05

ref. http://homepages.laas.fr/jsola/JoanSola/eng/bearingonly.html

 기존 SLAM에서 쓰이는 레이저 레인지 스캐너 등 range and bearing 센서 대신 공간에 대한 풍부한 정보를 주는 카메라를 쓰면, 1차원 (인식된 물체까지의 거리 정보, depth)을 잃게 되어 bearing-only SLAM이 된다.

EKF requires Gaussian representations for all the involved random variables that form the map (the robot pose and all landmark's positions). Moreover, their variances need to be small to be able to approximate all the non linear functions with their linearized forms.

두 입력 이미지 프레임 사이에 baseline을 구할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 시점 차가 존재해야 랜드마크의 위치를 결정할 수 있으므로, 이를 확보하기 위한 시간이 필요하게 된다.

  1. Extract features from images
  2. Find an initial solution for the structure of the scene and the motion of the cameras
  3. Extend the solution and optimise it
  4. Calibrate the cameras
  5. Find a dense representation of the scene
  6. Infer geometric, textural and reflective properties of the scene.

sequential probability ratio test

EKF (extended Kalman filter) - inconsistency and divergence
GSF (Gaussian sum filter) - computation load
FIS (Federated Information Sharing)

posted by maetel
2010. 1. 25. 02:50 Computer Vision

Foundations and Trends® in

Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010) 1–78
© 2009 D. Kragic and M. Vincze
DOI: 10.1561/2300000001

Vision for Robotics

Danica Kragic1 and Markus Vincze2
1 Centre for Autonomous Systems, Computational Vision and Active Perception Lab, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH, Stockholm, 10044, Sweden, dani@kth.se
2 Vision for Robotics Lab, Automation and Control Institute, Technische Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria, vincze@acin.tuwien.ac.at

Danica Kragic and Markus Vincze (2010) “Vision for Robotics”,
Foundations and Trends® in Robotics: Vol. 1: No. 1, pp 1–78.


Robot vision refers to the capability of a robot to visually perceive the environment and use this information for execution of various tasks. Visual feedback has been used extensively for robot navigation and obstacle avoidance. In the recent years, there are also examples that include interaction with people and manipulation of objects. In this paper, we review some of the work that goes beyond of using artificial landmarks and fiducial markers for the purpose of implementing visionbased control in robots. We discuss different application areas, both from the systems perspective and individual problems such as object tracking and recognition.

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Scope and Outline 4

2 Historical Perspective 7
2.1 Early Start and Industrial Applications 7
2.2 Biological Influences and Affordances 9
2.3 Vision Systems 12

3 What Works 17
3.1 Object Tracking and Pose Estimation 18
3.2 Visual Servoing–Arms and Platforms 27
3.3 Reconstruction, Localization, Navigation, and Visual SLAM 32
3.4 Object Recognition 35
3.5 Action Recognition, Detecting, and Tracking Humans 42
3.6 Search and Attention 44

4 Open Challenges 48
4.1 Shape and Structure for Object Detection 49
4.2 Object Categorization 52
4.3 Semantics and Symbol Grounding: From Robot Task to Grasping and HRI 54
4.4 Competitions and Benchmarking 56

5 Discussion and Conclusion 59

Acknowledgments 64
References 65

posted by maetel
2010. 1. 14. 17:27 Footmarks
RoSEC international summer/winter school
Robotics-Specialized Education Consortium for Graduates sponsored by MKE

로봇 특성화 대학원 사업단 주관
2010 RoSEC International Winter School
2010년 1월 11일(월)부터 1월 16일(토)
한양대학교 HIT(한양종합기술연구원) 6층 제1세미나실(606호)

Robot mechanism
Byung-Ju Yi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로보틱스 연구실 이병주 교수님  bj@hanyang.ac.kr
- Classification of robotic mechanism and Design consideration of robotic mechanism
- Design Issue and application examples of master slave robotic system
- Trend of robotic mechanism research

Actuator and Practical PID Control
Youngjin Choi (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 휴먼로이드 연구실 최영진 교수님 cyj@hanyang.ac.kr
- Operation Principle of DC/RC/Stepping Motors & Its Practice
- PID Control and Tuning
- Stability of PID Control and Application Examples

Coordination of Robots and Humans
Kazuhiro Kosuge (Tohoku University, Japan)
일본 도호쿠 대학 시스템 로보틱스 연구실 고스게 카즈히로 교수님
- Robotics as systems integration
- Multiple Robots Coordination
- Human Robot Coordination and Interaction

Robot Control
Rolf Johansson (Lund University, Sweden)
스웨덴 룬드 대학 로보틱스 연구실 Rolf.Johansson@control.lth.se
- Robot motion and force control
- Stability of motion
- Robot obstacle avoidance

Lecture from Industry or Government
(S. -R. Oh, KIST)

Special Talk from Government
(Y. J. Weon, MKE)

Mobile Robot Navigation
Jae-Bok Song (Korea University, Korea)
고려대 지능로봇 연구실 송재복 교수님 jbsong@korea.ac.kr
- Mapping
- Localization

3D Perception for Robot Vision
In Kyu Park (Inha University, Korea)
인하대 영상미디어 연구실 박인규 교수님 pik@inha.ac.kr
- Camera Model and Calibration
- Shape from Stereo Views
- Shape from Multiple Views

Lecture from Industry or Government
(H. S. Kim, KITECH)

Roboid Studio
Kwang Hyun Park (Kwangwoon University, Korea)
광운대 정보제어공학과 박광현 교수님 akaii@kw.ac.kr
- Robot Contents
- Roboid Framework
- Roboid Component

Software Framework for LEGO NXT
Sanghoon Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 연구실 이상훈 교수님
- Development Environments for LEGO NXT
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under RPF of OPRoS
- Programming Issues for LEGO NXT under Roboid Framework

Lecture from Industry or Government

Robot Intelligence : From Reactive AI to Semantic AI
Il Hong Suh (Hanyang University, Korea)
한양대 로봇 지능/통신 연구실 서일홍 교수님
- Issues in Robot Intelligence
- Behavior Control: From Reactivity to Proactivity
- Use of Semantics for Robot Intelligence

Henrik I. Christensen (Georgia Tech., USA)

Semantic Mapping
- Physical Interaction with Robots
- Efficient object recognition for robots

Lecture from Industry or Government
(M. S. Kim, Director of CIR, 21C Frontier Program)

Dongsoo Kwon (KAIST, Korea)

- Introduction to human-robot interaction
- Perception technologies of HRI
- Cognitive and emotional interaction

Robot Swarm for Environmental Monitoring
Nak Young Chong (JAIST, Japan)

- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Models
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Algorithms
- Self-organizing Mobile Robot Swarms: Implementation

posted by maetel